The Townsville Daily Bulletin from Townsville, Queensland, Australia (2024)

are 1 1 1 KENNEL NOTES (By K9) ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS Pentland- For sunstroke or heat eshaustion sponge the head with ice or cold water, also the Rape of the neck Do not give anything by way of mouth while unconscious Keep quiet, and when coming round a teaspoon of brandy in Smelling Salta or aromatic ammonia held on the nose la helpful "RA.P.". Carna: With lifetime perience of doge, convinced most painless of destroying dos and the mom rapid and sure method. it cruel to mutilate old pet and friend by poison that is vatside the banda of qualifed vet. The majority of polauna are cruel and slot, ALSATIAN EXPRESSION Most dog lovers are familiar with Alsatiana and admire their extremely intelligent expression. Many are most attractive to the ordinary dog lover, hut fall short of standard requirementa.

The eyes should not too large and should be dark brown colour (the 01 They should not In straight line across the forehead, but eye should slant little downward towarda the muzzle. Eyes of This description, combined with correct abaped head and well carried ears, give perfect Shepherd expression. Very often low set ears, or which carried 100 obliquely, gave the appearance of to much apace between the eyes Conraencaa undesirable, and the standard does not any specific weight, acme of the big Ones are rather inclined to be coarse, although this does not mean thet all big dogs are course. There is quite wide variation eight among our best dogs It quite common to see good Alastians 6516. to 85ib.

in the ring together. COLLIES Collies were formerly considered working dogs: in fact they are still elassified such by show promoting bodies throughout the world. While thie true, how many of them are now for the purpose anywhere 1t la sate to say that not one Collie in thousand la used for work at all. In any case, they would be quite useless Australia, being possessed of such dense coat, The main consideration of breeders that the may prove attractive to the buying public and be able to win the show ring. To-day, they considered a fanciers' dog one that ham been bred for the 50 years for his beauty, his great telligence and his lovable disposition.

These are the reasons which prompt customer to buy one this breed to-day. In the case of the Border Collie, courm. entirely different picture presented: he bred almost esclualvely working sheep dog. TEETH AND JAWS Many novice fanciers, reading standards which require the mouth to be level in their Imagine that the upper and lower teeth should meet exactly. Actually the top teeth should At tightly over the outside of the battom teeth.

Where the top teeth extend too over the lower ones. the dog said to be and in cases where the lower teeth extend in front of the ones, the dog "undershot." interesting to note that Greyhound parlance, the reverse this order in accepted correct. The Importance of sound teeth jaws in dogs required to bite cannot be emphasised too strongly, The teeth should be big and strong and the incinors, both top and bottom, should have a slight curve for added strength. must be solid and carry plenty of muscle, although need not be "cheeky" in order to have punishing jaw. HEALTHY BREEDING STOCK importance of breeding from healthy mock only, 1m- phealed too strongly.

Both stud dog Mock from his kennel will not have up with weak, unbealthy puppies. DEAF Service 1 J. BROCK ChemMinders Townsville BELCLERE WEARING AIDS. SERVICE aGENTS THROUGHOUT AURIBALIA BELCLERE CONSULTANT Mr. J.

M. LYNE will be visiting TOWNSVILLE en Friday, 14th Saturday 15th and Monday, November 17th FOR FREE TESTS AND DEMONSTRATIONS Call or 'Phene for an appointment BROCK, Chemist, Flinders Street, Exide STILL KEEPS GOING WHEN THE REST HAVE STOPPED the battery world. CHILDREN'S BOOKS WONDERLAND ARROW ISLAND FORM DID AT SCHOOL. D. W.

HASTINGS SONS STATIONERS 8001. CINDERS TOWNEVOLA POSTAL INSTITUTE SPORTS TRIALS Sparta trials were held at Townrecently with a view select Ins land representatives the Queens. Institute team visit bourne in February, 1946 Resulta wetel Bowls! Wherry 4, and Hall and Atewart J. 10-11: Piering and Jennings G. Stibe W.

T. Squires Ramany D. and PinDean N. and Ploden G. and Adama P.

16-18. Rinks Greake, Roden. Adama, Hall Wherry, Leistrange. Jennings 16-29 Blina, Haimen, Fleming Itamasy. Aquires.

Pinwell 29. Table Tennis Rae ville; defeated Hosking hampton) 23-21. J. McLeod (Townsville! d. Hunt 21-12, 21-19: L.

Taylor d. R. Williams Ayr) 21-11, 21- Rtratford (Rockhampton! d. Bambrick 21-8, 21- 10: J. Dunne (Townsville d.

K. Funch 1 Rockhampton: 21-15, 21-10; V. MeLeod (Townaville) d. K. Tynan (Rockhamipon) 21-6; 21-12.

Ladin Mina Rita Whitehouse Mias Maureen Smith 21-15, 21-1: Mya. Wilkina Mias Mary Dowling 21-8. 21-18: Mi4 VI Nicol Mia Dol Tawse 21 7, 21-18: Miss Joan Hague, bye. Second round: Wilkinson Miss Hague 31-11, 22-20. Cricket match played Townsville: Townsville: Campbell R.

Tynan, Burfoot Clancy run out 18. Hurley W. Low.b Stratfsed 21. Hivers R. and Stratford Stibe Stratford McNee Tynan 42.

Wright Stratford Jones L. Suatford, Burfoot Hansen Dorman, Stratford 34, Paulsen, not out 4: Waterson Burfoot 12; laundries Total. 153. Rockhampton: Bmith NeNes, Paulsen 20. Dorman Waterson, Rivers Sutton Hansen, Paulsen Stratford J.

L.b.w, McNee 4: Hunt Paulsen Burfoot Hivere 15. Tynan not out 42; Hoskings W. 1.b. W. Paulsen 15; Funch Hivers.

Clancy 12; Bambrick W. Clancy 1. Dumbrili Clancy, MeNee 0: sundries Total 153. Tennis results, Saturday afternoon Miss Taws defeated Mias Smith (Proserpine) 4-8; Miss Merlin (Ayr) d. Miss Dowling (Bowen) 6-1 J.

Btratford (Rockhampton) d. Hoskings 6-2; Funch d. L. Hunt (Rockhampton) 6-3: J. Stratford (Rockhampton) defeated K.

Funch and W. Hoskings Rockhampton) 6-5. Sunday morning: J. Stratford and Funch (Rockhampion) d. J.

McLeod and K. Dobbins (Towneville) 6-1; W. Honkings and L. Hunt (Rockhamptom) d. L.

Taylor and C. McMahon (Townsville) 6-4; J. Stratford and Punch (Rockhampton) d. W. Hoskings and L.

Hunt (Rockhampton) Tawse (Bowen) defeated Martin (Ayr) 6-1; Miss Tawse (Rowen) and Smith (Proterpine) defeated Miss Ellis and Miss Me Lennon (Townsville) 4-5: J. McLeod and K. Dobbins (Townsville) defeated Tayler and C. McMahon (Towns. ville).

Billiarde: N. Dean 50. J. Pearce 16: K. Dobbins 50, R.

20; Dean 50. Dobbins 20; J. Murray 50, Groves 8. Wherry 90, W. Tynan 48: Murray 46, Wherry 50: W.

Smith 11, G. Jennings 50: Jennings, bye: semi-final. Dean 50. Jennings 11: final, Wherry 38, Dean 50. Athletic results: Broad jump, men: K.

Grimahaw (Townsville) 15ft, Bin. Joseph and F. Peach (Ayr) 150L 4in. 2 High jump, men: E. Williams Ayr) Sft.

F. Peach (Ayr) and H. Joseph (Innisfall) 4ft. 101n. Hop, step and jump, men: Dobbin Sift.

6jim. 1: seph 'Innintail) 34in. Grimshaw, Townsville 38ft. 11 in. 100 yards scratch race; Peach Ayr 11a0c.

1: R. Miller (Innietail) 2: Williame (Age) 220 yards scratch race: F. Peach (Ayr) Mecc. 1 R. Miller (Inniafall) R.

lama (Ayr) Broad jump, ladies: D. Ryali Townsville) Dowling (Bowen) 11ft. J. Whittle and R. Whitebouse (Townsville) 10ft.

101n High jump. ladies; M. Dowl. (Bowen 1: D. Ryall (Townsville and R.

Whitehorse (Townsville) art. 10 ins 2. Ladles' relay, 440 yarda: D. Ryall (Townsville). J.

O'Sullivan (Townsville), M. Simpson (Townsville) M. Dowling Bowen) tie for first, anconda. 100 varda scratch race, ladies: O'Sullivan (Townsville) D. Ryall (Townevitle) Simpson (Townsville) 3.

WANTED Household are Furniture essb buyers good Phone for prompt att 0 CONTRACTOR House concrete Siecks Write 100 KNITTING: Orders taken for knitting and chets crochet work of any kind. also baby' ere. and knitted vets Write 141 "Bulle. ORDERS taken Baby's Crochet Silk priced. Also Beading and work done Apple Mrs.

Kelly. Street. End. PUPPIES: Wanted 16 give fos terrier puppies. BOARD AND RESIDENCE BOARD and Lodging with private able amily wanted Write 140 "Bulletin be quiet har Raerdere Terif EL cer FLORISTS TROMAS delivers Fresh and Arti.

Betel Wreaths Wedding Bouquets. 'Phone Bridal and Bouquets on Cupp. Thru Cree Nursery Gardena 28 COTTE Street, for Flowers FOR HIRE Tables Launch Happy Duty STAND I QUEENS TRUSTEES DENHAN STREET bunt. A. P.


MANAGER P.O. Bra 'Phone 801 HOUSES, ROOMS, FLATS, Duzmen and Webb. Rank W. Ban Phone 2243. Guest Mouse Holiday and untain uriat Rent 63 furnished chain and cents did opportunity right Call 1 376 Flinders Street.

Ring 1271. COTTAGE or required 4 January 204. Any suburb, Write Bulletin" FLATS ARCADIA MAGNETIC BLAND Cool Modern Flats, fulls furnishes Bertrie Light, Rel Further AND SONS Phone Phone Furnished. let. Frite 188 Furnished, wanted by young couple roin January, Write FLAT to let.

Nellie Furnished of Beach. Moss, Flat Bay A Furnished for 3 montha from 30th December, weekly. Write 140 FLAT, -House, or Small Cottage, furor unfurnished. wanted for elders couple. Write 164 wanted for young couples vacation a monthe.

Write wanted urgently. Town. 147 Furniahed. wanted any torality, Write 152 Bulletin" HOUSE. Young A A P.

man and wife, no children. urgently require Furnished House Reliable tenants Write 171 Bulletin" Would a menne let Furnished House. two business girls Pay rent Write 179 HOUSE Mist furnished or unfurnished. required urgently Ring 1907 or Write par: 147 Bulletin HOUSE Would like House, Helf-house or Flat, furnished ne unfurnished. 'Bul letin numished.

Half -house Flat quired three weeks Christmas. Write 190. Bulletin HOME: Half comfortable Home to married couple Apply Street, after South To Occupier. Morehead HOUSE: Wanted by couple House. W111 buy furniture Urgent 131.

Bulletin. or Small Furnished Fist wanted by mother and adult son, handy City. Per manent tenents. write HUT, Pinie or Nelly for a fort. nicht from 19th December.

Write 120. "Bul. lettn ROOM, furnished Board offered to lonely Woman in return Greennaker fer help with househell duties Salt willing to sacrifice little time particulars, Write 174 Bulletin ROOM: Furnished Double Room, 14. stove, une dining room. Apply 30 Double all I ried couple.

'Phone 1420, Melten Druble. Hermit handy chopping centre. ROOM required urgently by quiet, able eirt. Write ROOMS Apnly Occupier. Granville House, Aturi Street.

City. LOST AND FOUND BERET lost vicinity Theatte. Saturday aftern 'Phone CIGARETTE Lighter lost, vicinity Regent Theatre. Saturday Bowen ward. CAMERA: Let Kodak Folding Camera City Bathe Sundey, Finder please Ring 758.

Substantial Reward. lost between Armstrong Street and Railway Station, Finder please return to Olympia Service Station. DOGS: Strayed from A thenvale two Sable Colour German Shepherd to name and anyone or knowing their whereabouts, or Reward, Pearl Ear-ring, vicinity Melton Office and Walker St Reward O'Neill. 23. Walker Glare and Rim lost on Towns road, Saturday Reward.

write Watson. Street in vicinity Post small Black containing approximately al receipt for return Salon, Conn's Stokes Leet One Gent's on Mount containing sum of Reward. 12 Ahearne Street. Lost Friday, mall 1 Purse conmoney. watches, Urgently needed 1 Apply Lower.

Nome. Ayr Line RATION Book 529000. Jost, South Towns Finder return Addrem on Cover. Lost Saturday afternoon. Cluster Sapphire Ring.

one stone miming. Rory Bar. and Store, Gerbutt. Gond Reward. Sara Child's vieln.

See View Bathe Sunday. ciease WALLET lost. containing raticn honk. arm money. Write WANTED KNOWN Wood.

Gravel, Soil, Carrying presentation Green and Bank Town made country strand Panne 1312 Sand. Gravel Dressing Manure Ring Cement Gallon Tank. Downte, Charlotte Attlenvale Fountain propels elated priced af at cotton Polishing -Inh Polish. of Swan. Mentmore and mire Fountain Pens Allister and Gone QUOTEs Allotments.

For Gravel Black motor repair carrier Perfume Green RADIO Service, all makes Sets repaired. Shop. Phone hours BAZOES. Gillette Diane of Diamond Machines repaired Cats General Mentmore Fountatp needed plated Soft Paper Green and Prickly Reat Dusting net a mfortable summer Green one Racking E5 KOALA and country Cathcart and Ritchie, Ltd. PLUMBERS SHEET METAL WORKERS PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES Sturt Townsville AIRLINES, SHIPPING, TRAVEL MAGNETIC TRIPS AWAY IN THE COOL SEA BREEZE COMFORTABLE DIESEL BOAT LEAVES HAYLES WHARF DAILY MONDAY.


9.30 2.30 p.m. SATURDAY: 0.30 a.m, 2, 7.30 p.m SUNDAY: 930 a.m. 2.30 p.m. 7.30 D.m The Trio Lakes one hour Fares, return Plenic Bav Arcadia Spend a day or half day your holidays On MAGNETIC the Beautiful. BLUE MOUNTAINS UP NORTH M1 SPIC AT The Motor Conch makes dally turn Sundays trip on returning Wednesday to Saturday and the es in evening 4.30 Round Trie CASTLE HILL AT 1000 ft The bus leaves the Tourist Bureau 10.30 a.m on Monday Tuesday day sod Fridays Half-hour on the summit and to the the Gardena Kissing Point and West End noon Round Trip Also trips to the Zoo leaving Tourist Bureau at D.m Booking OfficeQUEENSLAND TOURIST BUREAU' After Houre 'Phone A NATIONAL AIRWAYN LUXURIOUS SKYLINER SERVICES FROM TOWNSVILLE TO Cairns Twice Duilv Rockhampion Three Services Daily Bowen Twice Daily Mackav Three Services Dailv Brisbane Four Dolly Sydnev and bourne Three Services Daily serves 47 towns and cities Parcels accepted city office 18 hrs before scheduled departure times AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AIRWAYS Finder Street, Towneville Phones 404 406 After Hours 1136 TRANS-AORTRALIA AIRLINES Daily Services Daily Services Northbound to Cairna, departing Townaville 10 a.m Southbound to Mackay, Rock hampton and Brisbane (connecting with vices to all capital cities).

departine Towneville Reservations fromT.A A. BOOKING OFFICE Flinders Street Phone 1982. Phone 1962 TOWNSVILLI AND COUNTRY WESTERN SERVICE LEAVES TOWNSVILLE TUESDAY FRIDAY. Calling Charters Tower Torrene Creek Cloneurry. ML RETURNING WEDNESDAY SATURDAY I FROM MOUN' DALOETT CO LTD Managine Agents 'Phone 1140.

STEAMSHIP ALL CARGO MUST BE BOOKED For Cairns and In nistart. Brisbane. and Melbourne Adelaide Cargo Only Phone Rowers Smith Lad AUEN Ca. Burns Philp Co Lad. Agents Adelaide do Lad RADIO, ELECTRICAL GOODS BENNY RADIO SHOP to TO Entrance MUSIC MASTER RADIO meet the Workmen's Pure Tatie Models from 5 Floor Models from Valve I Models from 8 Valve 1 Portable with Batteries Electric and Battery Models used in Cabinets, Timbers mad North Queensland Radiola, and Battery model from Portable Chief Car Radio from Silent Knight Floor Vacuum from Irons Toasters Urns Table end Lamp Ete Terme A 00 Radie and Electrical Appliences Phone 1921 DAY Phone OUR NEXT RADIO SERVICE our of a BENNY MANS RADIO AND ELECTRICAL SHOP Folev's Musie Shop Flinders Street THE FAMOUS TASMA RADIOS ARE NOW AVAILABLE In MODELS TO SUIT EVERY TOWN OR COUNTRY HOME CASH OR EASY TERMS FREE INSURANCE LAWRENCE RADIO SERVICE Car Sturt Stanley Streets TOWNSVILLE Phone 2013 NORTUEEN ELECTRICAL MELVILLE ODD AMP Bunding giantes Street ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS REFRIGERATION ENGINEERS Supplies English Electric Alarm Clocka Drillers Trona Toasters Kettles Metal and Duperite Reed: ins Lamps Percolator Urs Tre veiling Radio and Throb Dial Clocks Plastic Shades Torches Agent, Refrigerators Phone RADIO ALL MAKES OP RADIOS REPAIRED years esperience plum Are 4 equipment guarantee Pick Up and Deliver STEPHENREN Flinders Street or 'Phone RADIO AND REFRIGERATION REPAIRS QUICK AND EFFICIENT SERVICE Joha Picked Up and Delivered All Retter Work Service Guranteed Phone 120 FEDERAL RADIO LU.

142 Flinders Street ELFWICK Radio cash. satiafaction Terina 2059. Con Capacitor Moten Ideas refrigerator and mane home, CASKET AGENCIES CASKET 1170 Closes TO- MORROW Mavie Tickets Shares Golden Casket Closes An THURSDAY Bert In 1176 Sold Fifth Prize in PUBLIC NOTICES "THE LIQUOR 1912 TO 61 In the Court of Petty Sessions Townsville For the District of Too neville in the Stale al Wore naland TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN WHEREAS I De stituting the Count ul Potty for the Diatriet vi Tow naville wotin under "The Laquor Acts 1012 tu 1945 declared JOHN IS Nia ut Towns to be an habitual drunka 4 this my Order turbid anv lie need to mil to the said JOHN INNIE any 19401 for the period of one veal fri the date hereof Given under my hand al tar this Third das of Novemter 1947 MOURn. supenciao, Savietrate CITY OF TOWN WILLE FOOD FOR BRITAIN NOTICE 15. HEREBY GIVES that the Council of of Towns il has decided to open Fund for the receipt of subscriptions to the above.

mentioned Appea As the need is most urgent. an early res conse front the Citizena of Townie ville will be All subscriptions will he ack now. ledged through the Press and an official rereipt issued The fund will close on the 30th November. 1947. and wil be accepted at the office of the signed.

ROBERTSON, Town Clerk Town Hail. Townsville. 0 N. 4833. Wm.

MORNAT 'PHONE Real Estate Agent and Storekeeper AYR FOR SALE Sugar Farma with various peaka Avr. Home Hill and Giru Boarding Houses Mixed Businesses both lease and freehold Also for all your Electrical Appitances and Fittings Trona, Urns, Kettles, Immersion Refrigstore. Hot Water Systems. Stainless Steel Sinks Ternazo Sinks Plastic Binka, and also large assortment of Fancy Electric Shades MR. MRS.

R. PERROT wish to espress their since appreciation and Thanks for assistance rendered by persons to our son after the dent sustained by him on Friday, 7th Instant, in particular the driver of the T.R.E.B. vehicle that transported him to the Ambulance Centre, and Mr. and Mra. E.

Jones. of Townsville Street, End. MR. and MRS. FRED HAINES wish to Thank the Doctor, Sister, and Nurs.

ine Staff at the General Hospital. for their kindneas and attention to our son during his recent illness FOR Private Sale, Resubdivisiona 1 6. 0, 16, 17 and 1A of Section of Subdivision of Section or Portion 3A Parish Coonambelah containing 1 were rood perches having frontages to Deschamp and Bourke Stresta, lico. Apply personally to Mrs. M.


BELGIAN GARDENS FOR all Classes Bulldozer Wort Clearing. also Filling Sand Red Gravel Soil, and General Carrrina. contact W. ARNDT. Federal Hotel.

Dean Street South Townavilis. Reconditioned Placer: Piano or Plano Phone 487. or Write GRICE'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE MOTOR REPAIRS AND PARTS CYCLE. Follow the Champions. Ride Snell Cyele on term Snells the Quarry CAPS: Petrol Tank Locking Cops for American cars Lagers Lead no Mote House EAGERS, 37 Flinders Street, have fol.

lowing Cher role: 4 Array special prices. 9.00 16 and 10.50 Wheels with studs but no nuts 1 20 Tyre Chains, 43 pair: 10 Alt prices include are f.o.r. Townsville. Drico items UntCut. Outs have fast Minder Street attractive of 'or Flinders Cond applies and steps evellahte Fenders sard volte frame AREA TO Repairs Radiature and radiate.

Radiators cut Magnetic Motors Street Phones 2189 DO TO PRONE FOUR VERICLE badly CLEANED then divina ADDED preyina MAKE PO-DA MAGNETIC MOTORS NATURALIZATION NOTICE 1, JANES HENRY FRASER, of American nationality, born at Seattle. TEA. and resident 60 vears in Ausnow residing at 45 Hervey's Range Road. Townaville, intend apply for Naturalization under the Nationality Act. 1920-1936.

JAMES HENRY FRASER. GENERAL NOTICES ANT CROSSAN AND CASSERLY Extermination and Maintenance Guaranteed 10 Butiding 711 Managers Residence 28 Townsend Street CAMBERLT Manager AND Palmer St South Townsville 'Phone GLASS LOUVRES Agenta for Sub Bunds Wooden Louvn Panels Portal Address Bos 910 Townsville OLYMPIA STEAM LAUNDRY 306 Flinders new "Bulletin" Offer Same Day Cleaning and Laundering Special Machines for Steam Pressing New machines heing for Cleaning and Ricking Hats Hats cuaranteed to he turned out like new Contract Twenty- four Houri Will Call and Deliver Phone OPTOMETRISTS ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED KODAK BUILDING 1 Incorporatina SILENT Will Deteriorate and Reduce in Value Why not sell it to Grice'a for cash and save loss 'Phone 487 or Write to ARICE'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE RIC You can sell your Piano outright. or as Part Deposit on Reconditioned Placer: Piano or Plano AMUsem*nTS TOWNSVILLE DISTRICT TOURINT ASSOCIATION DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ALL. CITIZENS OF TOWNSVILLE interested in the Progress of their City and Development the Tourist Contre of the North ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ABOVE ANSOCIATION to be held in the AMBULANCE ROOMS A p.m on THURSDAY. 1947 TAYLOR.

Mon. See. SOUTHS' FOOTBALL CLUB GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY, 8 p.m. Mouth Townsville State School. Business: Annual Function and Club House All members requested to attend.

SAGER. Hon Rec. TENDERS THE QUEENSLAND HOUSING COMMISSION TENDERS will be received at the Office of the Queensland Housing Commission. Brisbane. ot al the Office of the Clerk of Petty Sesalone, Home Hill, until 10.30 a on MONDAY.

24th November, 1947. for the erection and completion of STOUD of Three Dwellings of timber construction Eleventh Avenue. Home Hill. The time for completion of the dwellings is set forth in the SpeckThe contractor may stipulate his own time for completion and such stipulation shall be considered when tenders ate examined. Drawings and and Form of Tender, with Conditiona of Tendering.

may be obtained at such Offices, and miso at the Office of the Inspector, Queensland Howing Commission, Townaville. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. The tenderer may tender for the whole or one or more of the three (3) I dwellings, but contractors must submit Separate tender setting out the price of each dwelling complete. If the amount of tender in (3000 or over. a deposit of per cent of the amount of the tender submitted.

with maximum of must accompany such tender, and the accepted tenderer will be required to lodge with the Commission further deposit of 1 per cent of the amount of the accepted tender, Tenders should be sealed and velopes appropriately endorsed. J. E. GREENING, Secretary. COMMONWEALTH COMMISSION DISPOSALS PUMPING PLANT SITUATE CAPE YORKJARDINE RIVER PUBLIC offers closing 2 p.m., 21at NOVEMBER.

1947, are invited for the undermentioned: Rurion Hornsby Morisontal 1 cylinder diesel engine, size 3. class Southern Cross eylinder diesel engine, type YE, 18 h.p. 1200 P.p.m. only Ferrers Reciprocal Pumps. Ail offers to be endorsed "Jardine Pumping Plant" and addremed to Mr.

T. Thompson, District Superintendent Common wealth sion. P.O, BOR 447, Townerille THREE DWELLINGS WEST END. IN THE ESTATE OF ALFRED TAYLOR. DECEASED.

TENDERS are hereby called for the purchase of three dwellings situated at Church and Mary Streets, West End. and owned by the the abovenamed Estate. Tenders Are accepted subject existing tenancies and close with either of the undersigned Agents on NESDAY. 19th Instant at 12. splendid opportunity curing good hich and dry properties at bedrock prices The west of any tender not necessarily accepted.


FLINDERS STREET. Real Catate Agents in Conjunetion. TOWNSVILLE REGIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD SPECIFICATION No. MOTOR VEHICLES TENDERS invited for supply and delivery of Five (5) 18 Utilities and Two (2) Trucks Copies of the Specification may obtained on application at the Board's Office, Townsville. Tenders will be received up till noon 8th.

December. 1947. and should be endorsed "Specification No. Motor R. V.

COGLAN. Secretary FLINDERS SHIRE DO UNCEL ENDORSED Teaders, closing November 17 1947. are invited for the construction of concrete Invert over "The on the Torrens Creek -Aramac Road. Plans and specifications mav at the Shire Offee, Hughendan Tenderer are required to lodge deposit amounting to 8 per cent of the amount of tender The highest of sander not necessarily secepted J. MAY Shire Clerk Hushenden TENDERS are invited for the Erec don and Completion of Brick Veneer Residence al Belgian Gardens.

Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tendera close at office Noon on FRIDAY, 21st Instant. at the of the signed. E. WILLIAMS, Beak House, Towneville.

Arden have never used Elizabeth Arden preparations, here in the thrill el perfection, because for Ravating fragrance. Inder enbably delightful testure for the leal of loveliness and qualityessentials are without ARMATI SON CHEMIST Flinders Street 12 CIVIC BALLROOM CIVIC BALLROFINE TO- GRAND 50-50 DANCE TO NIGHT ALSO EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT MINOR ORCHESTRA CORDON WIth WHITING VERSATILE and PRED POPULAR HARGENT GOLDEN M.C GLOW wail until that old set breaka down- the middle of an Important broadcast. See the sew SEALED KRIESLER CONSOLE in attractive cabinet. dust tree, PRICE Mantel BREVILLE CONSOLE at models In Cream and Walnut from CARLSON, Broadcast KRIESLER in Cream 5 Valve STROMBERG in Cream 6. 5 Valve BREVILLE.

Broadcast 122 9 Valve PHILIPS 5 Valve Dual Wave STROM. BERG CARLSON Mantel Vibrator Radio 6. Plus battery. AIRZONE Vibrator Mantel. 5 Valve Dual Wave PHILIPS dry battery operated RADIOS arriving soon Watch this advertisem*nt JUNO 4 Valve portable Radios of rugged construction 5 Vaive BREVILLE Portables (29 For the Radio with Food see: CONNOLLTS ELECTRIC SHOP.


SPECIAL Jackpot Monte Carlo Novelties Quiz Trophy now valued at (7. See if you TO- ran crack it. TO-NIGHT galore. Surprises galore. NIGHT DON'T FORGET TO- MORROW NIGHT GRAND NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENT FOR YOUNG AND OLD The St Francis Concer.

Party will give you Grand Entertainment followed by Dancing. Also remember Friday Night. "A Night on the Farm" with "The Egg and 1" MAGNETIC REVUE MAGNETIC REVUE Produced by Mre. Close ARCADIA HALL, SATURDAY. 15th NOVEMBER Proceeds in aid el Nelly Bay School Fund.

DON'T MISS THIS GREAT CHILDREN'S SHOW MACARTNEY, Secretary, FETE SATURDAY, 9th NOVEMBER FETE CHURCH OF CHRIST 111 CHARTERS TOWERS ROAD Call In as you go for your Ration Cards and de your Christmas Shopping, Cakes, Sweets, Fancywork, Ferns and Pot Planta Jumble Stall, Lucky, Dip, etc. ICES AND COLD DRINKS ON SALE AUCTION SALES TO-DAY TO-DAY TO-DAY AUCTION SALE AUCTION SAL AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS SIDNEY BARTLETT ACTING under from Mr. MERRIT, of No. 4 Clifton Street, North Ward, will sell by PUBLIC AUCTION quantity Household Furniture and Effects comprising: One 8.0. Bed (completer.

1 8.0. duch*ess and 1 Pine duch*ess: 1 8.0. Attractive Wardrobe: 1 Ruite comprising 6 Chairs and 1 Table, 1 8.0. Sideboard: 4 8.0. Upholstered Chairs: Austrian Chairs: 1 Dining Table, Pine Wardrobe; 1 Single Iron Beds complete with Mattresses: 1 Scotch Lowboy; Hawaiian Guitar: 1 Kitchen Dresser: 2 Large Chairs: 1 Cane Bedroom Chair: 2 Occasional Tables: 2 Tennis Racquets: 1 Linen Press: quantity of Kitchen Utensils and Alum.


Second street off King's Road, towards Garbutt Estate. Leave bus corner Road and French Street. Pimlico JACK MORRIS favoured with instructions from Mr. J. W.

Whiting will sell an Attractive and Catalogue of furniture and furnishings. WATCH THURSDAY AND FRIDAY'S BULLETIN FOR FULL CATALOGUE JACK MORRIS, THE PROGRESSIVE REAL ESTATE AGENT GOVERNMENT SALE PUBLIC AUCTION For Sale be Public Auction the LAND OFFICE. TOWNSVILLE. on 2nd DECEMBER. 1947, at p.m., Special Leases of: Portion 21 Parish of Stuart.

on the eastern side of the Ross River. about 21 miles east from Towneville Station. Area. 5 acres 1 rood 75 perches Term, 10 years. Annual rent, 127 Parish of Magnetic, on Endeavour Creek, at the northern of Magnetic faland, near the Shore of Horseshoe Bay.

Ares, about acres 1 rood. Term, 10 years. Annual rent. (1. For further information apply to the LAND AGENT, TOWNSVILLE.

ON 11416 NOTICES RADIOS CONNOLLYS RADIOS For that new Recto come to CONNOLLY8 and choose from the beet Don't PAGES Don Don't overload your clothes with perspiration this regular summer, Dry preserve Cleaning them with and enjoy the TROPICAL PROCESS CLEANING. the service is three days, silks are band finished and require a little longer MCQUIRE AND BUCHANAN PTY. LTD. Service Branch neat WHITE CABS. STOKE STREET.

LEGAL NOTICES AMUsem*nTS STATUTORY NOTICE TO SOMETHING NEW DIFFERENT SOMETHING CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Creditors and other persons having ST. FRANCIS CONCERT PARTY claims against the Estate of any of the are holding COMMUNITY CONCERT undermentioned deceased persona are to be followed with Dancing hereby required to sand their cinima to THIS, THURSDAY NIGHT. 18th Nov. the Local Deputy Public Curator. AT THE PALAIS ROYAL Townsville, on or before the Twelfth Admission: Adults Children 64.

day of January, 1948, and that after the expiration of this date the Local ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Deputy Public Curator will proceed to distribute the asseta of the said de. WOG: woG! WOG' ceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the TO- MORROW (Thursday! AFTERclaims of which he shall then have had November at 2.30 p.m. notice. In Y.W.C.A, Rooms, Flinders St. Name.

Address. Occupation. Good Prizes. Afternoon Tea Date of Death and Place of Death. Admission Harry SKINNER: Townaville: Retired Fitter: Toowoomba.

HAIRDRESSING SALONS Romola Violet DREW Oonoonba: Wife of James Percy Drew: CLOYCE SALON HERMIT PARE 197: Towneville. CHARTERS TUWERS ROAD Dated this Tenth day of November, (Opp Thomas and Gravi Phone 1947, V. ZONCA WAVES GUARANTEED SUPERIOR PERMANENT Acting Local Deputy Publie Curator. IN QUALITY Townsville 6401. Vitamin Cream Wave Marient Cold Wave.

Danub Cold GENERAL NOTICES Croquinal Machinelets Eugene Wells Anting Henna Pecks Bleaching NETHERCOTT'S CASH STORE Scalp Maamze Colour end Rinses RAILWAY AVENUE. Fenial Massage with Manieure and Rand GROCERS Oil NonBryle Setting We Can Mine Kretehmas Capers Ladies Haircuttine Nestle's Milk. Trufood Full Cream, ROOT Sunshine Full Cream, Cello Packets Biscuita CHIC IS THE WORD FOR THE NEW HAIR STYLES Fish Cutleta Pilchards, Ladies! Wby not let me maze POUT Mixed Fruit Hair Lovellest Seasna for the Coming 'PHONE 2128. Remember- HOOK'S LEAD THE Kold G. CASTLES PERMANENT WAVING AND Soap ley Holders Ice for Chests Stainless SETTING Plunge Baths Wire Severs, Plastic Bath Room For A pootntment Ring Sets.

Alum Cannisters Fancy Multi. coloured Plastic Fruit Bowls, Alum RUOK Recese Cake Tina. Afternoon Tea Sets Men's Hairdresser Cutlery and Carvine Sets Mechanics org only 10pp Officer Artie Glass Casem*nt. Ah NOW OPEN Steel Tool Boxes. make ideal gift TOTE TOYS Dolts Preme Wooden Wheelbar.

"HAIRDRESSING AND BEAUTY POTS Plastic Tea Sets from Plano CULTURE All Steel Wheelbarrows Telephone Carpenters Sets from Scooters Mudral Tops Ire. For a needle to an anchor c. a CASTLES, Flinders St (Opposite RIv.) Locaton: 300 Flinders Street Great Northern Hotel. Phone ARr Ask about the We are prepared to Repair your Repairs by A Grade Mechanics "MARIGNY CULD WAVE' Tracior For Particulars. writePET LTD.


The Townsville Daily Bulletin from Townsville, Queensland, Australia (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.