The Memphis Press-Scimitar from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

of MEMPHIS PRESS-SCIMITAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1963 AIl- Track Adds Bounce to PAGE 29 Memphis Relays -Press-Scimitar Staff Photo by William Leaptrott A SURE START is assured Memphis State trackster Don Peeler. He's trying starting blocks spiked into the new allGlenn weather, Johnson, left, and Fairgrounds. His coach, rubber-asphalt David Hathco*ck look on. Hathco*ck was interested in hurdle non-slipping starts, too, He's a star. The new track practically eliminates blocks giving when runners take off.

Boros Speaks Out Royal and Ancient Gets Royal Lashing Time U.S. Took Over Command of Golfdom By OSCAR FRALEY, United MIAMI. The pion Julius Boros asserted ciation to realize that the is the capital of the golfing Boros is a quiet man who seldom lips his way into the public prints. Yet like most professional golfers he feels that the lads who fill their wallets with a wedge should have more say about the rules of golf in co operation with the USGA. It's time that Boros the USGA Boros started looking ahead, to the contributions of the PGA, and not back to the tradition-bound influence of the Royal and Ancient in Scotland," he held.

Maybe, he suggested, the Royal and Ancient should look West to the United States. "I'd guess," he pointed out, "that we have more golfers in California alone than they have in all Scotland. It's my belief that the United States, and the PGA, have done more to sell the game in the world than Royal and Ancient. Tradition is fine but there has to be a limit somewhere." Time for Change Boros, the 1952 Open champion, firmly believes that it is time that the USGA consults the PGA and follows its lead on golfing rules. "We have been trying to get a 16-club limit for at least six years that I know of," he said.

"They keep hedging on it, putting it off and saying they'd like to Press International Sports come, former U. S. Open chamtoday, for the U. S. Golf AssoUnited States and not Scotland world.

discuss it another year. Well, we voted last year adopt the 16-club rule. They'd like a 12-club rule. I can't understand why. The manufacturer makes four woods, 10 irons, a wedge and a putter.

So why not 16 clubs?" The pros play the game every day and know even better than the USGA, he contends, what would be good for the game. "Look at the rule on Phil Rodgers Open last year," he analyzed. "He hit it into a tree. Under our that's a one shot penrules alty. Under USGA rules it's a two-shot penalty.

"Now say there's a tree on one side and water on the other," he went on. "Hit it into the water and it costs you one shot. But hit it into the trees and it costs you two under USGA rules. What's fair about that?" Burr in Saddle 15 0 Boros still has to be annoyed over the fact that last year he mislaid his U. S.

Open entry and, when he sent it in late, it was not accepted. "Yet I know they called several players on the tour who had not sent entries and suggested that they file," he said. "But even tho I was a former Open champion, they didn't give me this courtesy. They should pay a little more attention to the PGA and its members, and less to the Royal and Ancient." All of which makes sense when you consider the low esteem in which pros are held in Europe. Millington In Tenn.

By THE Basketball ASSOCIATED PRESS Girls State Tournament at Murfreesboro Opening Win Wednesday's First Games: Round Millington raced to the first track and field meet victory of the season in the Shelby League with outdoor, points on the home cinders. MUS finished second in yesterday's meet with points and Germantown scored 41. big portion of Germantown's points came on victories in the broad jump and 100-yard dash by Joe West, who also anchored the winning 880-yard relay team, took second in the 220, and tied for third in the high jump. SHOT PUT -Won by Gatling (MUS): 2, Kirkpatrick (G): 3, Needham (M): Peters (M). Distance-42 feet inches.

DISCUS Won by Kirkpatrick (G): 2. Taylor (M); Nance (G): 4, Randel (M). Distance-122 feet 11 inches. BROAD JUMP Won by West (G): 2, Wood (MUS): 3. Spears (M): 4.

Magie (M). Distance-18 feet inches. HIGH JUMP-Won by Taylor (M): 2. Robertson (G): 3. Doggrell (MUS), West (G) and Morrissettee (M), tie.

Height5 feet 4 inches. HIGH HURDLES Won by Jones (MUS); 2, Spears (M): 3, Nunn (M); 4. Roberts (G). Time- :17.1. 440-YARD RELAY Won by MUS (Shearon, Wood, Sneed.

Hussey); 2. Millington and Germantown, tie, Time-: 47.8. TWO-MILE RELAY-Won by MUS (Ferguson, Kenna, Young, Turner); 2, Millington. Time- 100-YARD DASH Won 3 by West (G): 2, Griffith (M): Hussey (MUS); 4. Kirkpatrick MILE (G).

RUN--Won Time :10.9. Miller (M): 2. Ross (MUS): 3, Smith (M); 4. Moore (MUS), 880-YARD RELAY-Won by Germantown (Case, Joyner. Webb.

West): 2. Millington. Time- 1:41.6. 440-YARD by Morton (M): 2. Kirkpatrick (G): 3.

Doggrell (MUS): 4. Magie (M). Time LOW HURDLES- Won by Spears (M): 2. Jones (MUS): 3, Nunn (M): 4. Keltner (MUS), 880-YARD RUN Won by Wilson (M): 2.

Turner (MUS): 3, White (G): 4. Young (MUS). 220-YARD DASH- Won by Griffith (M): West (G): 3. Hussey (MUS): 4. Shearon (MUS) and Webb (G), tie.

Time 24.9. MILE RELAY -Won by Millington (NieMagie, Howell, Spears); 2, MUS. Maroons, Hogs Choices: College One of the best fields in extra boost, or bounce, in bounce will come from the the Fairgrounds. "It takes some getting used' to," says coach Glenn of Memphis State, track will be faster than the old ones." The new track is a rubberasphalt type, which feels a like sponge when walked on. "With a good day weatherwise, I think a lot of records stand a chance says Johnson.

This year officials have worry about the weather fecting only the participantsthe weather track won't be bothered. The athletes will use shorter spikes, or no spikes at all, on the track. They will find it is uniform thruout, with no soft spots at different places like dirt or old asphalt tracks had. Another big help will come for those using starting blocks. The blocks will not give when runners take off.

"With the field we've got and the new track, I look for the best meet we've had," says Johnson. Arkansas and State will be favorites the Mississippi university division and Mur- NIT Action Resumes Providence And Villanova Choices By Associated Press NEW YORK. It's Providence vs. Marquette and Canisius vS. Villanova tonight in the semifinals of the National Invitation Basketball tournament with Marquette and Villanova favored to win.

A close to capacity turnout of 18,000 was expected at Madison Square Garden for the double header. Providence, and boasting a 13-game winning streak, goes against the third-seeded Warriors from Milwaukee in the first game. Ernst Out Normally the Friars from Rhode Island, who won the 1961 NIT but were eliminated in the first round last year, might be favored, but an injury to Vinnie Ernst, their foot-8 sparkplug, changed the picture. Ernst pulled hamstring muscle Tuesday night in Providence's quarter-final victory over Miami of Florida. He has been listed as a doubtful starter and even if he gets into the game is not expected to be up to par.

Once Defeated Unseeded Villanova drubbed Canisius 79-60 during the regular season and the Wildcats figure they can do it again. Several starters for fourthseeded Canisius were reported ill early in the week but now are said to be in good shape. Bill O'Connor is the Canisius star and he lived up to his reputation last Saturday as the Buffalo team beat Memphis State. Double Victory St. Paul's scored a doublebarreled cage victory with the peewees beating St.

Louis 19- 17, and the juniors trimming St. Michael 37-33 to win the city titles in both divisions of the Memphis Parochial Elementary Basketball Association at CBC's gym last night. NATIONAL AWARD. WINNING AUTO SERVICE! SCHILLING-ON-UNION, 939 Union, has won national honors from Ford Motor Co. recognition of outstandIng achievement in quality service and customer relations." May we serve you? Have you been introduced to Barclays James Barclay's extraordinary SMOOTH MELLOW bourbon? Barclay's Try this light-bodied, Bourbon light-tasting bourbon -we believe Bourbon Whiskey LIGHT BODY PULL, FLAVOR you'll stay with it.

Beria by hompany Dastted Barclay's BOURBON STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY-86 PROOF -JAS. BARCLAY CO. LIMITED, PEORIA, ILLINOIS University Murray, ASC Favorites Memphis Relays history will get an nthe event all-weather this week outdoor end. track The at State in the college group. Northeast Louisiana won the university title last year, but has lost its famous Styron twins.

Murray is defending collot lege champ, but could be pressed this year by Arkansas State. High school prelims kick off action tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. and resume at 6:30 with more to prelims and finals. Universiaf-: ties and colleges begin events at 10 a.m. Saturday and run thru the day with an hour and 45 minutes off for lunch.

Time Out! I KEATE "A few of the girls visited me today Stop telling everybody had double bogie!" Mets Eying Duke Snider By Associated Press CLEARWATER, terested in Los but will have to whether he's The Dodgers Angeles club wants whether to keep No Wrestling Set Monday -The New York Mets: are inAngeles Dodger outfielder Duke Snider wait at least 10 days before learning for the highest bidder. told the Mets Wednesday that the Los to wait 10 days more before deciding the 36-year-old handed swinger. College Basketball By ASSOCIATED PRESS NATIONAL AAU TOURNAMENT First Round: Enid. Okla. 62.

Seattle 61. Fla. 76. Brownstown, Ind. 121.

Jacksonville. Arkansas City. Kan. 97. San Francisco 69 Wendover.

Utah 96. Buffalo. N.Y. 92. NATIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE Quarter-finals: Phoenix, Ariz.

78. N.C. 76. First Mo. 86.

Burlington. Iowa 71. Round: 63. (2 Hibbing. O.T.).

Minn. 66, Amarillo, Texas 74. Wyo. 80, New York City CC. Casper.

Consolation: N.Y. 49. Union. Ala. 58.

Broome Tech. Southern 16 Colleges Enter Meet By Associated Press OCALA, than 60 varsity golfers from 16 colleges and universities tee off today in the 14th annual Florida intercollegiate golf tournament. Houston will defend the team title it won last year. Teams entered include Florida, Florida State, Miami, Florida Southern, Rollins, Stetson, Louisiana State, Murray State of Kentucky, Vanderbilt, Houston, Georgia Tech, Mississippi State, Springfield, He Just Wants to Pitch By Associnted Press Wake Forest, North Carolina and Tennessee. PDS Awards Made Awards were made last night at the Presbyterian Day School all sports banquet.

to Rick Humphreys John Most Valuable awards, went Keesce, sixth grade cage teams; Hubert Turley, gymnastic team; Tommy Goldsmith, fifth grade cage. Unsung Hero awards went to Maney Heckle, Al Jordan, Drew Oliver and Lou Adams, for respective teams. PALM SPRINGS, Cal. "I' just hope to pitch a complete year and I'll take my chances on what comes after that," says Ken McBride of the Los Angeles Angels when anyone mentions a 20-victory season. McBride won 10 straight games last season and in lateJuly he suffered a cracked rib and was practically idle the last two months of the season.

He compiled an 11-5 mark. In 1961 he had a 12-15 record as a rookie. Wider Selections With The Brands You Know See JOE ASSORTED LIQUORS BY THE CASE AT CASE PRICES E' OPEN! NOW JOE'S LIQUOR STORE 1681 POPLAR at BELVEDERE Joe Solomito, Owner Open 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Plenty Free Parking Ph.

275-2468 AT THE SIGN OF THE SPUTNIK There will be no wrestling, program at the Auditorium Monday night. The Shrine Circus will be going on next week. Boosters to Meet The Treadwell High School Booster Club will meet tomorrow night at 6 in the school gym. Two games are scheduled by boosters. Providence NEW FROM ECONOMY TIRE BUILT WITH RUBBER THAT'S TRUCK-TIRE TOUGH! COMMANDER Has -SYN in rubber that's in BFG's Amazing breakthrough in tire design! Now, for the first time, a low priced tire with SUPER-SYN for your car! is the amazingly tough rubber SUPER-SYN compound that B.F.Goodrich has used only in truck tires--and high-priced passenger-car -up until now! Commander 220 has all-nylon cord, too -to give you the strength and safety that only nylon can! start as low as $10.50 (6.70 15 black Prices tube type, plus tax and old tire off your car)! Want a tire that gives you plenty of real low mileage and safety a price? Commander 220 is the one you're after! 1963, THE B.F.GOODRICH COMPANY Goodrich B.F.

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The Memphis Press-Scimitar from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)
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