Lorespire | Paizo Organized Play | sfsguide._.Starships (2024)

IntroductionCore GuidePlayer Options GM Options Starships Supplemental Materials

Starship combat is an integral part of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game and players should expect to participate in it from time to time. As explained earlier in this guide, certain scenarios have the Starship tag, indicating that the associated scenario includes one or more starship combat encounters. This appendix details all the guidelines and information necessary for players to participate in starship combat encounters, in addition to the rules presented in the Starfinder Core Rulebook.

Starship CombatOverview

The Starfinder Roleplaying Game contains a robust system for starship creation and customization, which while intuitive for home campaigns, is difficult to manage in an Organized Play environment. As starships are essentially another character shared between a party, it would be extremely time consuming for a group of players to decide on exactly how to customize a starship prior to a Scenario. To facilitate ease of play, the Starfinder Society provides characters with common starship variants, accessible in any Scenario involving starship combat.

Starship Choice: Starship choice occurs immediately prior to slotting Boons for the Scenario. During this period, the PCs can also decide on any Starship Boons they wish to utilize (more on this below). The party should come to an agreement on which starship will best suit their style of play, as well as the best starship for the specific mission. In the event that the party cannot come to a unanimous agreement on which ship to take, Scenarios provide a suggested starship from those commonly available, which the GM can declare the party will use.

When choosing a starship, the PCs always receive the version of the ship with a tier equal to the highest level of their subtier. For example, a party selecting a starship for a Subtier 1–2 scenario would receive the tier 2 ship, while a party selecting a starship for a Subtier 5–6 scenario would receive a tier 6 ship.

Common Starships: The Azata, Drake, and Pegasus models of starship are the most commonly employed ships in the modern Starfinder Society. This Guide includes stat blocks of each at tiers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. Versions at higher tiers exist, but they are included within a Scenario when appropriate. With the exception of the Gorgon, ships presented in this guide are always available to PCs; the Gorgon is accessible only with the Starship Schematic boon, a Tier 4 Exo-Guardians Faction reward.

New Starships: Throughout the course of a character’s career, they may come into possession of a new starship to use in the Starfinder Society campaign. Often, these starships will be a reward from an important Scenario, gained from a promotional Chronicle Sheet, or featured temporarily in an adventure. Unlike the common starships presented in this Guide, new starships will have all the rules for using them in starship combat scenarios listed on their respective information sheets.

Starfinder SocietyStarships

Pegasus (Explorer FrameVariant)

The Pegasus emphasizes speed and provides a suite of supportive options. It is less armed than the Drake but employs improved sensors and a host of ready expansion bays; in turn, its sensors are less advanced than the Azata but it has more firepower. This makes the Pegasus ideal for missions where starship support and combat capabilities are likely to be equally as valuable.

Drake (Transport FrameVariant)

When a problem can be solved through the liberal application of missiles, the Drake stands ready. This workhorse starship proves the Starfinder Society can bring impressive combat presence to a space battle. It sacrifices scanning capabilities and the built-in expansion bays of the Pegasus, making it less enticing to support landing parties or extended operations; the Azata outpaces both the Drake and the Pegasus in longevity and scanning.

Azata (Explorer FrameVariant)

The Azata is the first of a new generation of spacecraft designed to modernize the Starfinder Society fleet and support First Seeker Ehu Hadif's renewed focus on exploration and expanding the Society's presence in the Vast. It is designed to support long-range travel, withstand hazardous environments, and be well-equipped for the rigors of deep-space exploration. It features the best scanners and science assets of the common Starfinder ships, though it is the least heavily-armed.

Gorgon (Destroyer FrameVariant)*

The Gorgon represents a new class of starship pressed into service by the Exo-Guardians faction and intended to handle high-level threats. Unlike the Society’s other standard starship designs, the Gorgon sacrifices amenities and scientific equipment in exchange for raw firepower. These ships thrive in battle or situations where force of arms is more important than other considerations.
* Selecting the Gorgon requires the Starship Schematic Boon.

Starship BoonSlot

Following the selection of a starship, a character can select a Boon for their Starship Boon slot. This Boon slot typically includes Boons that act as abilities, modifications, or replacements for starships. Each Starship Boon indicates the specific rules in applying it, often citing specific starships or tiers to which the Boon can be applied. For ease of play, players do not need to concern themselves with the build points, power core units (PCU), or available expansion bays of a shared starship.

Unless otherwise stated, multiple versions of the same Starship Boon do not stack.

Starship Statblocks

No Tabs

  • Tier 2
  • Tier 4
  • Tier 6
  • Tier 8
  • Tier 10
  • Tier 12

Tier 2Starships

No Tabs

  • Pegasus
  • Drake
  • Azata
  • Gorgon*

Starfinder Society Pegasus Tier 2
Medium explorer
Speed 10; Maneuverability good (turn 1); Drift 1
AC 12; TL 12
HP 55; DT —; CT 11
Shields basic 40 (forward 10, port 10, starboard 10, aft 10)

Attack (Forward) light laser cannon (2d4; range 5)
Attack (Port) light laser cannon (2d4; range 5)
Attack (Starboard) light laser cannon (2d4; range 5)
Attack (Turret) coilgun (4d4; range 20)

Power Core Pulse Green (150 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems basic medium-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 1 duonode computer, mk 2 armor, mk 2 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold, escape pods, science lab, tech workshop

Modifiers +1 to any two checks per round, +2 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Drake Tier 2

Medium transport
Speed 8; Maneuverability average (turn 2); Drift 1
AC 12; TL 12
HP 70; DT —; CT 14
Shields light 40 (forward 10, port 10, starboard 10, aft 10)

Attack (Forward) gyrolaser (1d8; range 5; broad arc )
Attack (Turret) coilgun (4d4; range 20), high explosive missile launcher (4d8; range 20; speed 12; limit 5)

Power Core Arcus Heavy (130 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems budget medium-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 1 trinode computer, mk 2 armor, mk 2 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold, escape pods

Modifiers +1 to any three checks per round
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Azata Tier 2

Medium explorer
Speed 8; Maneuverability good (turn 1); Drift 1
AC 12; TL 12
HP 55; DT —; CT 11
Shields basic shields 40 (forward 10, port 10, starboard 10, aft 10)

Attack (Forward) light EMP cannon (EMP ; range 5)
Attack (Turret) coilgun (4d4; range 20)

Power Core Arcus Heavy (130 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems budget long-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 1 trinode computer, mk 2 armor, mk 2 defenses
Expansion Bays medical bay, science lab (general), cargo hold, escape pods

Modifiers +1 to any three checks per round, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Gorgon* Tier 2

Large destroyer
Speed 4; Maneuverability average (turn 2); Drift 1
AC 10; TL 10
HP 150; DT —; CT 30
Shields Basic 20 (forward 5, port 5, starboard 5, aft 5)

Attack (Forward) heavy laser cannon (4d8; range 10)

Power Core Arcus Ultra (150 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems crew quarters (common), cut-rate sensors, mk 1 armor, mk 1 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold (4)

Modifiers -2 Computers, +2 Piloting
Complement 4–20
* Selecting the Gorgon requires the Starship Schematic boon.

Tier 4Starships

No Tabs

  • Pegasus
  • Drake
  • Azata
  • Gorgon*

Starfinder Society Pegasus Tier 4
Medium explorer
Speed 10; Maneuverability good (turn 1); Drift 1
AC 13; TL 14
HP 65; DT —; CT 13
Shields light 60 (forward 20, port 15, starboard 15, aft 10)

Attack (Forward) light particle cannon (3d6; range 10)
Attack (Port) laser net (2d6; range 5; point +10)
Attack (Starboard) light laser cannon (2d4; range 5)
Attack (Turret) light particle cannon (3d6; range 10)

Power Core Pulse Red (175 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems advanced medium-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 2 duonode computer, mk 3 armor, mk 4 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold, escape pods, science lab, tech workshop

Modifiers +2 to any two checks per round, +4 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Drake Tier 4

Medium transport
Speed 8; Maneuverability average (turn 2); Drift 1
AC 14; TL 14
HP 85; DT —; CT 17
Shields light 70 (forward 20, port 15, starboard 15, aft 20)

Attack (Forward) heavy laser cannon (4d8; range 10), coilgun (4d4; range 20)
Attack (Aft) coilgun (4d4; range 20)
Attack (Turret) coilgun (4d4; range 20), high explosive missile launcher (4d8; range 20; speed 12; limit 5)

Power Core Pulse Green (150 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems budget medium-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 1 trinode computer, mk 4 armor, mk 4 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold, escape pods

Modifiers +1 to any three checks per round
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Azata Tier 4

Medium explorer
Speed 8; Maneuverability good (turn 1); Drift 1
AC 14; TL 14
HP 65; DT —; CT 13
Shields medium shields 90 (forward 25, port 20, starboard 20, aft 25)

Attack (Forward) light EMP cannon (EMP ; range 5)
Attack (Turret) coilgun (4d4; range 20)

Power Core Pulse Red (175 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems basic long-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 2 trinode computer, mk 4 armor, mk 4 defenses
Expansion Bays medical bay, science lab (general), cargo hold, escape pods

Modifiers +2 to any three checks per round, +2 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Gorgon* Tier 4

Large destroyer
Speed 6; Maneuverability average (turn 2); Drift 1
AC 12; TL 12
HP 170; DT —; CT 34
Shields Basic 60 (forward 15, port 15, starboard 15, aft 15)

Attack (Forward) heavy laser cannon (4d8; range 10), twin laser (5d8; range 20)
Attack (Port) light laser cannon (2d4; range 5)
Attack (Starboard) light laser cannon (2d4; range 5)
Attack (Turret) tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8; range 20; speed 10; limit 5; irradiate (low))

Power Core Arcus Ultra (150 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems crew quarters (common), cut-rate sensors, mk 3 armor, mk 3 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold (4)

Modifiers -2 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–20
* Selecting the Gorgon requires the Starship Schematic boon.

Tier 6Starships

No Tabs

  • Pegasus
  • Drake
  • Azata
  • Gorgon*

Starfinder Society Pegasus Tier 6
Medium explorer
Speed 10; Maneuverability good (turn 1); Drift 1
AC 14; TL 16
HP 65; DT —; CT 13
Shields medium 100 (forward 25, port 25, starboard 25, aft 25)

Attack (Forward) twin laser (5d8; range 20)
Attack (Port) light laser cannon (2d4; range 5)
Attack (Starboard) light plasma torpedo launcher (3d8; range 20; speed 14; limit 5)
Attack (Turret) light particle cannon (3d6; range 10)

Power Core Pulse Blue (200 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems advanced medium-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 3 duonode computer, mk 4 armor, mk 6 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold, escape pods, science lab, tech workshop

Modifiers +3 to any two checks per round, +4 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Drake Tier 6

Medium transport
Speed 8; Maneuverability average (turn 2); Drift 1
AC 15; TL 14
HP 85; DT —; CT 17
Shields medium 100 (forward 25, port 25, starboard 25, aft 25)

Attack (Forward) particle beam (8d6; range 20), coilgun (4d4; range 20)
Attack (Port) coilgun (4d4; range 20)
Attack (Aft) coilgun (4d4; range 20)
Attack (Turret) heavy plasma torpedo launcher (5d10; range 20; speed 12; limit 5)

Power Core Pulse Blue (200 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems basic medium-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 2 trinode computer, mk 5 armor, mk 5 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold, escape pods

Modifiers +2 to any three checks per round, +2 Computers
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Azata Tier 6

Medium explorer
Speed 8; Maneuverability good (turn 1); Drift 1
AC 16; TL 15
HP 65; DT —; CT 13
Shields medium shields 120 (forward 30, port 30, starboard 30, aft 30)

Attack (Forward) light EMP cannon (EMP ; range 5)
Attack (Port) flak thrower (3d4; range 5; point +8)
Attack (Starboard) flak thrower (3d4; range 5; point +8)
Attack (Turret) coilgun (4d4; range 20)

Power Core Pulse Red (175 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems basic long-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 2 trinode computer, mk 6 armor, mk 6 defenses
Expansion Bays medical bay, science lab (general), cargo hold, escape pods

Modifiers +2 to any three checks per round, +2 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Gorgon* Tier 6

Large destroyer
Speed 6; Maneuverability average (turn 2); Drift 1
AC 13; TL 14
HP 170; DT —; CT 34
Shields Medium 90 (forward 25, port 20, starboard 20, aft 25)

Attack (Forward) maser (6d10; range 20), twin laser (5d8; range 20)
Attack (Port) high explosive missile launcher (4d8; range 20; speed 12; limit 5)
Attack (Starboard) high explosive missile launcher (4d8; range 20; speed 12; limit 5)
Attack (Turret) tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8; range 20; speed 10; limit 5; irradiate (low))

Power Core Arcus Maximum (200 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems crew quarters (common), cut-rate sensors, mk 4 armor, mk 5 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold (4)

Modifiers -2 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–20
* Selecting the Gorgon requires the Starship Schematic boon.

Tier 8Starships

No Tabs

  • Pegasus
  • Drake
  • Azata
  • Gorgon*

Starfinder Society Pegasus Tier 8
Medium explorer
Speed 10; Maneuverability good (turn 1); Drift 1
AC 15; TL 17
HP 75; DT —; CT 15
Shields medium 160 (forward 40, port 40, starboard 40, aft 40)

Attack (Forward) particle beam (8d6; 20 range 20), high explosive missile launcher (4d8; range 20; speed 12; limit 5)
Attack (Port) laser net (2d6; range 5; point +10)
Attack (Starboard) light EMP cannon (EMP ; range 5)
Attack (Turret) twin laser (5d8; range 20)

Power Core Pulse Orange (250 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems advanced long-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 3 duonode computer, mk 5 armor, mk 8 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold, escape pods, science lab, tech workshop

Modifiers +3 to any two checks per round, +4 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Drake Tier 8

Medium transport
Speed 8; Maneuverability average (turn 2); Drift 1
AC 16; TL 15
HP 100; DT —; CT 20
Shields medium 160 (forward 40, port 40, starboard 40, aft 40)

Attack (Forward) persistent particle beam (10d6; range 20), coilgun (4d4; range 20)
Attack (Port) coilgun (4d4; range 20)
Attack (Starboard) twin laser (5d8; range 20)
Attack (Aft) laser net (2d6; range 5; point +10)
Attack (Turret) heavy antimatter missile launcher (10d10; range 20; speed 8; limit 5), light particle cannon (3d6; range 10)

Power Core Pulse Orange (250 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems basic medium-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 2 trinode computer, mk 6 armor, mk 6 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold, escape pods

Modifiers +2 to any three checks per round, +2 Computers
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Azata Tier 8

Medium explorer
Speed 10; Maneuverability good (turn 1); Drift 1
AC 18; TL 17
HP 75; DT —; CT 15
Shields medium shields 200 (forward 50, port 50, starboard 50, aft 50)

Attack (Forward) light EMP cannon (EMP ; range 5)
Attack (Port) flak thrower (3d4; range 5; point +8)
Attack (Starboard) flak thrower (3d4; range 5; point +8)
Attack (Turret) high explosive missile launcher (4d8; range 20; speed 12; limit 5)

Power Core Pulse Orange (250 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems advanced long-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 3 trinode computer, mk 8 armor, mk 8 defenses
Expansion Bays medical bay, science lab (general), cargo hold, escape pods

Modifiers +3 to any three checks per round, +4 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Gorgon* Tier 8

Large destroyer
Speed 6; Maneuverability average (turn 2); Drift 1
AC 15; TL 14
HP 200; DT —; CT 40
Shields Medium 160 (forward 40, port 40, starboard 40, aft 40)

Attack (Forward) graser (7d10; range 5; irradiate (med)), particle beam (8d6; range 20)
Attack (Port) tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8; range 20; speed 10; limit 5; irradiate (low))
Attack (Starboard) tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8; range 20; speed 10; limit 5; irradiate (low))
Attack (Turret) tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8; range 20; speed 10; limit 5; irradiate (low))

Power Core Pulse Orange (250 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems crew quarters (common), cut-rate sensors, mk 6 armor, mk 6 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold (4)

Modifiers -2 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–20
* Selecting the Gorgon requires the Starship Schematic boon.

Tier 10Starships

No Tabs

  • Pegasus
  • Drake
  • Azata
  • Gorgon*

Starfinder Society Pegasus Tier 10
Medium explorer
Speed 10; Maneuverability good (turn 1); Drift 1
AC 16; TL 18
HP 75; DT —; CT 15
Shields medium 200 (forward 50, port 50, starboard 50, aft 50)

Attack (Forward) persistent particle beam (10d6; range 20)
Attack (Port) heavy laser net (5d6; range 5; point +12)
Attack (Starboard) light particle cannon (3d6; range 10)
Attack (Turret) particle beam (8d6; range 20)

Power Core Pulse Prismatic (300 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems advanced long-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 5 duonode computer, mk 6 armor, mk 9 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold, escape pods, science lab, tech workshop

Modifiers +5 to any two checks per round, +4 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Drake Tier 10

Medium transport
Speed 8; Maneuverability average (turn 2); Drift 1
AC 17; TL 16
HP 100; DT —; CT 20
Shields medium 200 (forward 50, port 50, starboard 50, aft 50)

Attack (Forward) persistent particle beam (10d6; range 20), heavy plasma torpedo launcher (5d10; range 20; speed 12; limit 5)
Attack (Port) coilgun (4d4; range 20)
Attack (Starboard) coilgun (4d4; range 20)
Attack (Aft) heavy laser net (5d6; range 5; point +12)
Attack (Turret) heavy antimatter missile launcher (10d10; range 20; speed 8; limit 5), light particle cannon (3d6; range 10)

Power Core Pulse Prismatic (300 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems basic long-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 3 trinode computer, mk 7 armor, mk 7 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold, escape pods

Modifiers +3 to any three checks per round, +2 Computers
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Azata Tier 10

Medium explorer
Speed 10; Maneuverability good (turn 1); Drift 1
AC 20; TL 18
HP 75; DT —; CT 15
Shields heavy shields 320 (forward 80, port 80, starboard 80, aft 80)

Attack (Forward) light EMP cannon (EMP ; range 5), particle beam (8d6; range 20)
Attack (Port) chain cannon (6d4; range 5; ripper )
Attack (Starboard) chain cannon (6d4; range 5; ripper )
Attack (Turret) high explosive missile launcher (4d8; range 20; speed 12; limit 5)

Power Core Nova Ultra (300 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems advanced long-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 3 trinode computer, mk 10 armor, mk 10 defenses
Expansion Bays medical bay, science lab (general), cargo hold, escape pods

Modifiers +3 to any three checks per round, +4 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Gorgon* Tier 10

Large destroyer
Speed 6; Maneuverability average (turn 2); Drift 1
AC 17; TL 16
HP 200; DT —; CT 40
Shields Heavy 240 (forward 60, port 60, starboard 60, aft 60)

Attack (Forward) persistent particle beam (10d6; range 20), persistent particle beam (10d6; range 20)
Attack (Port) heavy antimatter missile launcher (10d10; range 20; speed 8; limit 5)
Attack (Starboard) heavy antimatter missile launcher (10d10; range 20; speed 8; limit 5)
Attack (Turret) light particle cannon (3d6; range 10)

Power Core Pulse Prismatic (300 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems crew quarters (common), cut-rate sensors, mk 8 armor, mk 8 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold (4)

Modifiers -2 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–20
* Selecting the Gorgon requires the Starship Schematic boon.

Tier 12Starships

No Tabs

  • Pegasus
  • Drake
  • Azata
  • Gorgon*

Starfinder Society Pegasus Tier 12
Medium explorer
Speed 10; Maneuverability good (turn 1); Drift 1
AC 18; TL 19
HP 85; DT —; CT 17
Shields heavy 280 (forward 70, port 70, starboard 70, aft 70)

Attack (Forward) persistent particle beam (10d6; range 20), heavy antimatter missile launcher (10d10; range 20; speed 8; limit 5)
Attack (Port) heavy laser net (5d6; range 5; point +12)
Attack (Starboard) light EMP cannon (EMP ; range 5), light plasma cannon (2d12; range 5)
Attack (Turret) particle beam (8d6; range 20)

Power Core Pulse Prismatic (300 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems advanced long-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 6 duonode computer, mk 8 armor, mk 10 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold, escape pods, science lab, tech workshop

Modifiers +6 to any two checks per round, +4 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Drake Tier 12

Medium transport
Speed 8; Maneuverability average (turn 2); Drift 1
AC 18; TL 18
HP 115; DT —; CT 23
Shields heavy 280 (forward 70, port 70, starboard 70, aft 70)

Attack (Forward) linked plasma cannons (10d12; range 10)
Attack (Port) twin laser (5d8; range 20)
Attack (Starboard) twin laser (5d8; range 20)
Attack (Aft) heavy laser net (5d6; range 5; point +12)
Attack (Turret) heavy antimatter missile launcher (10d10; range 20; speed 8; limit 5), heavy plasma torpedo launcher (5d10; range 20; speed 12; limit 5)

Power Core Pulse Prismatic (300 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems basic long-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 4 trinode computer, mk 8 armor, mk 9 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold, escape pods

Modifiers +4 to any three checks per round, +2 Computers
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Azata Tier 12

Medium explorer
Speed 10; Maneuverability good (turn 1); Drift 1
AC 22; TL 19
HP 85; DT —; CT 17
Shields heavy shields 480 (forward 120, port 120, starboard 120, aft 120)

Attack (Forward) light EMP cannon (EMP ; range 5), particle beam (8d6; range 20)
Attack (Port) chain cannon (6d4; range 5; ripper )
Attack (Starboard) chain cannon (6d4; range 5; ripper )
Attack (Turret) high explosive missile launcher (4d8; range 20; speed 12; limit 5)

Power Core Nova Ultra (300 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems ultra long-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 4 trinode computer, mk 12 armor, mk 12 defenses
Expansion Bays medical bay, science lab (general), cargo hold, escape pods

Modifiers +4 to any three checks per round, +6 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–7

Starfinder Society Gorgon* Tier 12

Large destroyer
Speed 6; Maneuverability average (turn 3); Drift 1
AC 19; TL 17
HP 230; DT —; CT 46
Shields Heavy 320 (forward 80, port 80, starboard 80, aft 80)

Attack (Forward) persistent particle beam (10d6; range 20), persistent particle beam (10d6; range 20)
Attack (Port) heavy antimatter missile launcher (10d10; range 20; speed 8; limit 5)
Attack (Starboard) heavy antimatter missile launcher (10d10; range 20; speed 8; limit 5)
Attack (Turret) X-Laser cannon (8d6; range 20; line )

Power Core Gateway Heavy (400 PCU)
Drift Engine Signal Basic
Systems crew quarters (common), cut-rate sensors, mk 10 armor, mk 10 defenses
Expansion Bays cargo hold (4)

Modifiers -2 Computers, +1 Piloting
Complement 4–20
* Selecting the Gorgon requires the Starship Schematic boon.

SFS Guide Version 7.01
7 June 2024

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