1. TEDxUniversityofPiraeus | TED
KONSTANTINOS TZOUMAS. actor, dancer and writer. Born and raised in Piraeus in a different era and by moving to New York at a very young age, managed ...
TED.com, home of TED Talks, is a global initiative about ideas worth spreading via TEDx, The Audacious Project, TED Books, TED Conferences, TED-Ed and more.
2. ''Our Town'' tribute to Konstantinos Tzoumas | 02.07.2023 - ERT.GR
Jul 2, 2023 · On Sunday, July 2nd, the broadcasting program “Our Town” presented Konstantinos Tzoumas, a special personality who left us too soon.
On Sunday, July 2nd, the broadcasting program “Our Town” presented Konstantinos Tzoumas, a special personality who left us too soon. His friends, theater and radio colleagues spoke about the radio producer and actor. Texts from the books he wrote were read and references were made to his travels, to the cities he lived, to ... Read more
3. Dialogues in Summer
... and actor, radio host, and writer Konstantinos Tzoumas. On the opening of ... Having experienced 10 years of economic crisis, with a slew of social problems and ...
Explore SNF Dialogues as they attempt to uncover the many layers of the pandemic’s consequences. Learn more about its varied impact and lasting repercussions
4. Konstantinos Gatsis - Google Scholar
V Tzoumas, K Gatsis, A Jadbabaie, GJ Pappas. 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1362-1367, 2017. 47, 2017. Random access design for ...
Lecturer, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton - Cited by 1,545 - Cyber-Physical Systems
5. The Wretches Are Still Singing (Τα Κουρέλια Τραγουδάνε Ακόμα, 1979)
Jun 1, 2017 · ... Konstantinos Tzoumas, Christos Valavanides and Rita Bensousan: four ... years to organize a below the line, aggressive requiem for their ...
When: Saturday, July 22nd | 21:30 Where: National Museum of Contemporary Art (terrace) (Kallirrois Av. & Amvr. Frantzi Str., Athens) | Free entrance (R-17)
6. [PDF] Serious complications related to regional anaesthesia - Termedia
Evangelia Samara, Lampros Tzoumas, Konstantinos Tzoumas, Petros Tzimas, Georgios Papadopoulos ... The duration of the litigation was 5–12 years and 16 years in ...
7. Turkish Neurosurgery
Evangelia SAMARA1,Lampros TZOUMAS1,Konstantinos TZOUMAS1,Arian LENAS1,Georgios PAPADOPOULOS1 ... The duration of litigation in 17 cases was 5.5 years, while in 4 ...
Medical Liability in Neurosurgery: Greek Courts Decisions Analysis
8. Invincible Lovers - Pera Museum
Invincible Lovers. Greek Film Days. December 5, 2024 / 17:00 ... Cast: Tassos Miliotis, Olia Lazaridou, Konstantinos Tzoumas Greece, 1988, 90', DCP, color
Director: Stavros TsiolisCast: Tassos Miliotis, Olia Lazaridou, Konstantinos TzoumasGreece, 1988, 90', DCP, colorGreek with Turkish, English subtitles To reunite with his grandmother, young Vassilis runs away from the orphanage, roams around the heart of Athens and then decides to take the train for Tripolis
9. Konstantinos' Publications
... and Control (CDC 2017)}, year={2017} } @inproceedings{CDC17_TzoumasEtal, author={Vasileios Tzoumas and Konstantinos Gatsis and Ali Jadbabaie and George J.
your description goes here
10. DiffStream: differential output testing for stream processing programs
Paris Carbone, Asterios Katsifodimos, Stephan Ewen, Volker Markl, Seif Haridi, and Kostas Tzoumas. 2015. Apache flink: Stream and batch processing in a single ...
High performance architectures for processing distributed data streams, such as Flink, Spark Streaming, and Storm, are increasingly deployed in emerging data-driven computing systems. Exploiting th...
11. Open Mics | archive, 17th aiff 2011, music & film - in competition
Sep 6, 2011 · Razastarr, Dask, Orthologistes, Soti Triantafilou, Konstantinos Tzoumas, Andreas Roumeliotis. Country: Greece. Year: 2011. Running Time: 83 ...
In the middle of the global financial crisis, hip hop is one of the few musical movements flourishing in Greece. A constantly-growing number of talented young people tackle contemporary political and social issues more and more, through powerful and scathing rhymes – it’s their way of criticizing the established norms, the disguised oppression and the injustice all over. The influence of hip hop on Greek society and its widespread appeal to the younger generations is now obvious and refuels the young rappers’ inspiration, self-deprecation and talent. “Open Mics” is a documentary for these musicians.