Hoi4 Meta Templates 2023 (2024)

1. Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Division Templates - Game Rant

  • May 27, 2024 · Which Divison Templates should you utilize in Hearts of Iron 4? Here are the best ones!

  • Which Divison Templates should you utilize in Hearts of Iron 4? Here are the best ones!

2. What are the best hoi4 infantry templates in general?

  • - So for Field Marshals, the good traits are: Charismatic, Defensive Doctrine, Offensive Doctrine, Aggressive Assaulter for tanks, Unyelding ...

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3. japan bba infantry template? - Paradox Interactive Forums

4. Best Division Templates for Hearts of Iron IV - EIP Gaming

  • Apr 22, 2023 · ... 2023Hearts of Iron IV Patch 1.13 Dev Diary – Small Features · hearts ... HOI4, Final Fantasy X/X-2, Skyrim, Valheim, The Outer Worlds ...

  • With limitless possibilities to designing your divisions in Hearts of Iron IV, it is easy to be overwhelmed when you open the division designer. Luckily, I'm here to walk you through the most optimal division templates in the game, discussing their purpose and when to use them. Due to the…

5. Division - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki

  • Jul 4, 2024 · ... template is open and choosing any of the templates available there. ... Meta. By clicking OK you agree to cookies and targeting.Privacy ...

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6. HOI4META – Master the meta of Hearts of Iron IV

  • This British hoi4 template is suitable for defending Egypt but it can also be used to help in France, as … March 7, 2023 ...

  • March 20, 2023

7. Division designer - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki

  • With Together for Victory, players can select the colonial templates icon to view subjects' templates. ... Meta. By clicking OK you agree to cookies and ...

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8. Hearts of Iron 4 meta – combat width, division templates, and more

  • Dec 2, 2021 · The HOI4 meta has changed - here's everthing you need to know about combat width and the best division templates.

  • The HOI4 meta has changed - here's everthing you need to know about combat width and the best division templates

Hoi4 Meta Templates 2023 (2024)


Are 14 4s still good in HoI4? ›

Infantry wise, the same divisions is still good: 14 infantry, 4 artillery, with engineers, recon, logistics, sup artillery, and signal companies. These are good for attack; defense you can half the infantry and artillery battalions.

What is a good division template in HoI4? ›

15 21-Width Infantry: Good All Rounders

The standard, go-to template for most players, this 21-Width Infantry division is relatively low-cost, reliable, and performs well in most terrains, especially forest and jungle. It works best as a basic infantry unit, used to hold the line or make a general push along the front.

What is the division structure in hoi4? ›

Each division consists of up to five combat regiments and five support companies. In turn, each combat regiment is composed of up to five battalions. It costs 5 XP to add a battalion to a division; regardless if it is the same or new regiment.

Why is Hoi4 banned in China? ›

The game was banned in the People's Republic of China because of the game's depiction of Taiwan under Japanese control and Tibet, Sinkiang, and Manchuria as independent nations (historically, Manchuria was a Japanese puppet state and Taiwan was under Japanese control for most of the time period depicted in the game).

Is Hearts of Iron 4 easier than EU4? ›

However, there is a big difference in the learning curve, as the overall pacing differs, so in a way EU4 is more friendly to beginners. In a nutshell, I'd say it's easier to learn but harder to master, you just have to play it with a different mindset.

What does 7 2 mean in HoI4? ›

9/1 9 Infantry Battalions / 1 Artillery Battalion makes a 21w. You can fit this division 4 times in a tile on most terrains. Still defensive but with some more soft attack value and a small PC cost on artillery. 7/2 The infamous 7 Infantry Battalions / 2 Artillery makes a 20w. A bit more all-around division.

Is anti-tank good in HoI4? ›

Anti-tank artillery deals a lot of hard damage and has high piercing, making them excel in taking out vehicles on the ground. However, their low soft attack means they are not very effective against softer targets, such as infantry.

What combat width is best in HoI4? ›

Fans of Hearts of Iron 4 who want to find an adequate Combat Width to accommodate most combat situations should consider Combat Width 15. This isn't to say that Combat Width 15 can take down most enemies, but this Width has the advantage of having the least penalties for terrain types and attack directions.

What is the 24 division limit in hoi4? ›

Generals can command up to 24 divisions effectively unless they are in "Garrison Area" mode, during which the limit is tripled to 72 divisions.

How complex is hoi4? ›

Highly complex (but not gory) World War 2 simulator

The game starts off in history, but events will usually deviate to some degree, creating innumerable alternate historical possibilities. The warfare you see is generally about as violent as a board game.

What is the difference between a division and a battalion in hoi4? ›

Each division consists of 1-25 battalions - also sometimes called line battalions. This is the main fighting force, and the primary source of most statistics.

How do you train more divisions in hoi4? ›

Multiple divisions can be trained in parallel in one deployment by clicking "Add Unit" and divisions can also be trained sequentially by changing the number above. A location on the map must be selected where divisions will spawn as they leave the deployment phase.

Can you rename divisions in hoi4? ›

For the division naming, there are two mutually-exclusive ways to do so: name = "Unit's name" directly changes the name of the division to the given string. division_name = { ... } instead uses the name group assigned to the division template: is_name_ordered = yes is mandatory to include.

What is the best division size in Hearts of Iron 4? ›

Fans of Hearts of Iron 4 who want to find an adequate Combat Width to accommodate most combat situations should consider Combat Width 15. This isn't to say that Combat Width 15 can take down most enemies, but this Width has the advantage of having the least penalties for terrain types and attack directions.

Is Hearts of Iron 4 a 4X game? ›

Grand strategy games, such as Hearts of Iron, Crusader Kings, or Stellaris, are a sub-genre or sister genre of 4X that typically require even more detailed planning and execution than games like Civilization or Master of Orion.

When to stop playing Hoi4? ›

The base game effectively ends around 1942 in terms of focus trees and 1944ish in terms of tech. You can play as long as you like, and I've seen people go on runs until like 1980, but it gets very content-barren once focus trees start to run out of content.

Which Hearts of Iron 4 DLC are worth it? ›

DLCs like Battle For The Bosporus and La Resistance add depth with new focus trees and espionage mechanics for strategic gameplay. Consider a DLC subscription for affordable access to all existing and future Hearts of Iron 4 content, offering a cost-effective way to enjoy the game's offerings.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.