Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)


Virginia Lathrop, Mrs. Sada B. Folger, Mrs. Edith Nelon, Blllle Jean Foster. Robbie Lee Guthrie and Mrs.

Josephine Kllpatrlck. Members of a Junior first aid class instructed by Rowena Ray Greene and completed November 12 were: Marjorle Boone, Helen Burdettc. Jack Brlnkley, Bobbie Calloway, Dottle Calloway, Dorothy Chastaine. Mavis Earwood, Virginia Lee Hendron, Cornelia Hen-dron, Billie Kerley, Jean Quinn. Adeline Nelson, Marie Smith and Freda Taylor.

French Morocco AT COURTHOUSE Cpl. Daniel L. a The Asheville office of defense transportation announced yesterday that the central ODT office at Detroit, has discontinued operations and that all matters pertaining to certificates of war necessity are now being handled by the regular ODT field offices. Henceforth, all applications for certificates of war necessity received at the Detroit office, as well as ay- es all canned food items. Thus, even If there were a disposition on the part of grocery store operators to sell to hoarders which there is not the food simply isn't available in quantities to allow it.

61 TO RECEIVE Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cooper of Candler, is serving with the O.

Instructions, Suppli To Be Issued Today By Penland Ministers Of Methodist And Baptist Charges To Be Honored 9 S. army In French Morocco, accord Tax listers for 1943 will meet on correspondence pertaining to ing to a letter IN SERVICE' The reflex that makes your knea Jerk when struck reacts faster than the reflex that winks your eye. If You Think You're COUSINS the third floor of the county thc ODTs mileage A joint reception honoring their new ministers will be staged New Year's Eve at 8 p. m. by the con- TL i lur commercial vemcifs, win These two young Brevard men i courthouse this morning at 10 1 be referred to the appropriate ODT received from him by his parents this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Cooper have three received their commissions in clock to receive Instructions and district offices. 'Methodist church and the Beaver- CERTIFICATES IN FIRST AID Certificates for 61 members of first aid clashes have been received i recent months. Second Lieut.

I supplies, W. Z. Penland, tax su-. After January 31. fuel, tires and dam Baptist church.

Charles Shvtle (left) son of i PwvLsor, announced yesterday. i Par's will be allotted only on thei The Rev. E. W. Needham of sons In the United States army.

Mrs. C. T. Shvtle. was com-1 Work of listing taxes for 1943, lon forth the certificate of COOPER war necessity.

I will begin Jnnuarv 2 and continue Ibv the Buncombe county chapter; I of the Red Cross and are available missioned in the army enei- iv, and no more temporary transport rations, under which many vehicles at rt. Bel voir, hand said neenng corps at the chapter office, room 1006. In the courthouse. M'Dowell Finishes Special Course recently. Ensign Lewis P.

I The tax listers for 17 of the 19 now beln wlU ls" Hamlin, son of Mrs. L. P. wards and the city of Asheville Hamlin, was commissioned were announced last night by Mr. Pfc.

Clifton W. McDowell, son of Gastonla is the new pastor of the Asbury Memorial church and the Rev. M. E. Reynolds is pastor of the Beaverdam Baptist church.

The reception will be held at Asbury Memorial church and residents of that section are expected to Join In honoring the ministers. A musical program under the direction of George H. Thompson, church organist at Asbury churcn, is being prepared and refreshment will be served by the church organizations. This is the first time that an Mrs. Hope E.

McDowell of Candler, I after four months training in minute noUce That C0Urie SpeClal York. He is at Annap- selecte'd wW unable i ODT officials urge that all requests for adjustment of mileage and fuel allotments be made promptly. Unless requests are made in time to be disposed of before January 31. temporary suspension of operations may result. At the same time.

ODT officials said that as long as the fuel and Although there were some reports of efforts to stock up on canned foods, Asheville grocery stores said yesterday that apparently the public took in stride the announcement that 200 food items are soon to be rationed. A check of practically all types of food stores here showed that most of them have been rationing canned items to their customers for some time selling usually not more than two cans of an item at a time and others started the practice during the day. Reaction to the announcement apparently was different in some sections of the city. One large super store reported many persons wanting to buy canned foods by dozen or case lots and they were refused. Yet a store serving a similar class of trade in another section of the city said only one or two persons attempted to buy In larger quantities than normal.

Stores serving a small-salaried class of trade reported praclically no effort on the part of their customers to buy any more than normal requirements, and the opinion was expressed that not many small-s-alnrlcd workers were In a position to buy up quantities of foods. Some of the stores reported that they have been. Umtttag purchases by their regtilar customer tor some time, Jetting them have quantities according to the size of the family. One store reported a shortage for some past weeks in some canned items, such as spinach, corn and peas, and others said the amounts they have been allotted by their wholesalers In recent weeks has been much less than normal in practically olis. training at Camp Wolters, Texas, serve.

The list follows: Members of an advanced first aid class Instructed by Ronald R. Ross were: Mrs. Robert Bryan. Mrs W. T.

Freeman. Mrs. Charles W. Fuller, Miss Aurclla Harris, Mrs. John NeNon.

R. R. Ray. R. L.

Slade. N. B. Stubblefleld and Mrs. F.

E. Wall. Three first aid classes instructed by Grace M. Devine, Rowena Ray Greene and Mable Y. Duncan, were composed of the following members: Francis Lewis Arthur, Martha W.

Devine, Estelle Beulah and has been as- gned to serve lere as an in graduated from Asheville high school and from Virginia Mllitarv institute, where he received a B. S. degree In civil engineering. City of Asheville: Mrs. Bruce Walter, Charlotte street apartments: Mrs.

Lucy Alberts. 66 Montview drive; Mrs. J. T. Talbert, 129 Charlotte street; Mrs.

Marie Propes. 76 riiia nMv avpniip- Ztmmer- structor. equipment is available, no neces event of this kind has been held sary commercial vehicle operation 'as a Joint affair and residents of; Read This An American woman, in a letter to friend, describes daily life in France. Sht tells juit what you'd like to know about the details of rationing and how the people feel toward the GermarS). and their hopes for deliverance.

A vivid picture of human existence in the shadow of th Nazis' "new order." Sec Page 24 of th January Reader's Digest on salt now. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE The inspiring story of Mary Greeowil-low, "who dished out happiness" wherever her butter and egg route took her Fulton Oursler, editor and comment tor, rates her as "My Most Unforgetta ble Character." The first detailed report of the American plan for world reorganization after the war, which is being drafted behind the scenes in Washington. From a hospital bed an RAF pilot describes his thoughts and emotions in the kind of aerial combat from which few escape. You'll find this one of the most unusual document the For every parent childhood eipe riences ccjuribated bf women ana two men, showing how net and wisdom at the right time can teach cbildrca lasting lessons in kindness, paticnosv generosity and industry. These are only a few of the 38 informative, enjoyable, helpful feature in tht January Reader's Digest.

Get your copy today. Announcement was made Satur- day of the promotion of 121 Pennsvlvanla avenue: An- brother. Harold A. Mears, from will be crippled by the certificate the Beaverdam section are expect-of war necessity program. i lng to make it a notable milestone Operators were urged, however.

in the history of the two churches, to request only as much fuel as those In charge said, will be needed to carry on their Other details in connection wltn operations. If later adjustments are 1 the DroRram will be announced nle Mae Underwood. 182 S. French Broad avenue; and Alma Bartlett. 19 Ramoth road.

major to lieutenant-colonel Pfc. McDowell enlisted in the U. S. army last August and received his basic training at Fort Jackson. S.

C. He has qualified as a sharpshooter with both the Springfield and auto Avery's Creek, (not selected) (Ingram. Josephine Battle McDan-'lel, Clare Wallace McDowell, Mamie Elizabeth Nix. Ethel Pauline Prof- fitt. Margaret Josephine Varner.

Mary Kathleen Williams, Mildred I Aurola Younglnger. Robert Bryan. A. T. Davidson and Mary Ellen Taylor.

Sergeant Visits Parents Beaverdam, Mrs. Ernest Brown, necessarv, they can be made, It was later. Asheville. R. P.

D. No. 1. pojnted out. I BRITISH RAILMEN Black Mountain: Lee Hilt.

Black, SPRC1 AI.TY ACTS THRF.ATEX STRIKE. Mcdowell i t. Ray E. Penley. with the matic rifles.

Before his induction the coast artillery at DEMAND INCREASE Mountain. TV) Df FFATIJRF Prr, River- Mr. Rector Led-1 I llrtl UIIL Mrs. Rector Led- army, pre. McDowell was a repre-; a Stewart, better.

Black Mountain, star route. OF BARN DANCE Mrs. Virginia Arnold. Mrs. Willie Burleson.

Annette Hurst. Mrs. Frankle Coats, Albert H. Lathrop. Mrs.

Ellen Patton, Mrs. Madeline Pennell. Mrs. Dorothy A. Randolph, Kitty Ryan, Mrs.

Margaret Mc-Dougall. W. W. Hannaman, Mrs. Clare Goodman, Mrs.

Laura Ford and Betty Liplnsky. Mrs. Mabel DeWecse, Mrs. Ethel Edwards, Mis. Louise R.

Felmet. Palrvlew: Beatrice McBrayer, Fair-view, star route. Flat Creek, Mrs. Harry Cook, Wea-vervllle. French Broad: Wayne Snelson.

Alexander. LONDON, Dec. 28. tP) A rail strike early In year was threatened today as drivers and firemen of Britain's war-strained railway system Instructed delegates on the stand they are to take at a vital conference In London next Wednes sentatlve of the Imperial Life In- is visiting his aurance company. He was also i parents.

Mr. and chairman of the civilian defense Mrs. C. E. Penley committee in the Hillcrest district of Asheville R.

P. of Candler. d. No. 2, on chrictmas fur- Lieut.

Smith Reports jiough. 1, Before entering At Stinson Field the army three months ago he was Lieut. Hubert R. Smith. 20-year- a salesman for old son of Mr.

and Mrs. Hubert D. Galumbeck com-Bmith of Black Mountain, has re- pany in Asheville. The New Year's Eve barn dance at the city auditorium sponsored by the Children's Welfare League and the American Business club, will be featured by a variety of specialty acts, it was announced yesterday. Funds from the dance will be day.

"Serving Western Carolina for 53 Jar jj The trouble has been brewing since a dollar weekly maximum rise divided equally between the two or- to rallmen was awarded by a trlbu PENLEY ganlzations. The business club wllljnal which made the Increase retro- Haw Creek: Elliott Moore, Asne-vllie, R. F. D. No.

2. Hazel; Eart Gooch, Asheville, R. F. D. No.

4. Ivy: J. W. Dillingham, Barnards-vllle. Leicester: Bascombe L.

Lunsford. Leicester, and Miss Dale Miller, Leicester. Limestone: Mrs. R. J.

Dowtin. Arden. Montreat: Miss Annie Montreat. Lower Hominy: Mr. Bonnie How-, use its part to further the work of active to June 24.

ported at Stinson field, San An-' the Queen Carson nursery school Under a complicated rates system ana tne league will use its share for the increase for drivers and fire the education of selected children, men actually worked out at about Seeant Wellsby duty with the Returns To Post 28th air depot 1 ILI Sgt. R. D. Owensby. son of Mr.

Dancing will be from 8:30 until 1120 cent weekly. clock. The drivers and firemen's union Two floors of the auditorium 1 said the terms were "degrading and ell. Candler. Reems Creek: Lawrence Weaver, Weavervllle.

and Mrs. G. Owensby of Gerton will be used for dancing and there Insulting" and that the "aristoc has returned to Sandy Mush: Burgln DucKett, Mrs. Shirlev E. 1 Smith of 212 Marion street.

will be a string band on each floor. racy" of the railway workers had The outstanding couple will be been sidetracked in favor of lower his station at Ft.i iy.jCester. R. F. D.

No. 2, f' 't- selected from each square dance paid grades. Myers. after, swannanoa: (net selected), a brief visit Upper Hominy: M. A.

Byrd. Can Shelby. during the evening and at the close I Union officials said Wednesday's Lieut. Smith He enlisted in dier, K. r.

o. no. ana mr. uiue the dancing the winning couples conference was certain to call out tho (rmB OKelly, Candler, R. F.

D. NO. 1, as-i ssnnn mrmherc and rilsmnt will compete for a $10 I the 65.000 members and disrupt attended Black prize. Mountain high in February, 1941.1 Couples will be selected from both mainline and suburban traffic un 'school and Bre-i A floors. Performers of individual less a better than 20 cent increase vard college, grad- i acts will compete for a total of 15 was worked out by the labor and ROLL AT uating in 1941 He enlisted as an SMITH in war stamps.

i transport ministries ana union rep Whippet Cloth Service men from Camp Croft resentatives. tmMA SUiUUL Owensby took a I course at Cecil's Business college. Later he was at Telephone Message IS ANNOUNCED aviation cadet last March and was commissioned at Lowry Field. Den- 1 ver, on July 25. He has also 1 had service at Kelly field and Dun- I can field, in Texas, before being 1 Break Holiday Record a CCC camp atj Marion for two; The scholarship honor roll at years.

Next he Emma school was announced yes- transferred to this air depot train-1 NEW YORK, Dec. 28. IP) Christ. lng station. mas holiday long distance tele ana Moore General hospital will be admitted at half price.

Seats may be reserved in the balcony for spectators. The barn dance is taking the place of the charity ball which for many years has been sponsored by the league on that date. All prizes will be in war stamps. Radio station WWNC will broadcast a program from the auditorium from 9 until 9:30 o'clock. The admission price will be 55 phoning this year boosted traffic 24 took a course In a barber cefc-ge terdav by L.

P. Miller, principal, in Winston-Salem and up to the The honor roll, by grades, fol-time he entered the army worked i lows: in various barber shops in Ashe- First grade Bruce Ball, Jackie per cent over the 1941 total to break all records, the American Telephone Brank Returns To Army Duties Ann and Telegraph company said today ville. Brown. Cloydla Carstarphen, $2-29 Corn. Shirley Davis, Harold Qoforth, Telephone central offices serving 15 army camps in various sections of the country reported a 60 per Shirley Gregory.

Gwendolyn huii-'man. Elaine Matthews, Marsaret yard rvi. iaui nraiiK, sun Mr. ana i I Mrs. Willie Lee Brank of Weaver- James JOneS ville.

R. F. D. No. 1.

has returned Wins PnmmisGinn cents or si.iu a couple, with a 1 ,1....... U--I cent Increase in traffic. Overseas Murray. Dowe Roberts and Nellie charge of 25 cents for soldiers and to camp after spending Christmas armed telephone messages were nearly 60 Taylor. juiner memoers oi me i per cent ahead of Christmas, 1941 nay win.

n.s imiems iiuiiic Second arade Florence Carstaroh services in unuorm. i the largest increase belne handled on the Keems ureex roaa. t-vi. I en, Doris Deaver. Irene iaklns, Doro-Brank Is stationed at Camp Butner i anl Mr- J- M- Joneff 0 1 Bruce-; thv Ann jford, 8srah Enen Lyday Kounaea stones often were used through the overseas switchboard mont place, graduated at Roswell and clarence Me'tcalt.

Durham. as projectiles In early cannon. 'at San Francisco. in. M.I army flying school Decern- i Third grade Jo Ann Baker, Wll ber 12 and received the silver lard Bass.

Claudette Brown. Ethel "wings" of a bombardier. Before Carter. Winona Clark. Dorothy entering the service he attended Crowder, Flois Ann Ellis.

Kenneth Lee Edwards hieh school nnrf the! Huffman. Jackie Matthews. Betty Seaman Smith Is Qlome On Leave i Mr Sue McCampbell, Wanda Meadows. I University of North Carolina. He First Class Seaman Richard Wll- Argylle Runlon.

Doris Smith. Bobby bur Smith arrived in Candler Jlnca rrnv forces last spivey. Bobby Joe Sprinkle, -William Stephenson. Adrian Wooley and Leila Wright. Fourth grade Alice Burrell, Gor Christmas day for a ten-day leave, with his parents, Mr.

and Mark smith. Corporal Hampton Seaman Smith has been on con-: voy duty in the Atlantic and this'IMls nls family Is his first leave in over a year. I don Crowder, Bobble Solesbee, Mary Taylor and Evelyn Wright, Fttttt grade Hall and Carolyn fiplvey. He enlisted In the navy in Octo-1 P- Dm Hampton. spent Sixth grade Kllswortrt Ard.

Jo Ann Carter, Charles Freeman, Jack ber, 1941, and had Just finished his tne Po-st 1" days here on furlough After Christmas Clearance ie Freeman. Peggy Freeman, Richard Hanner, Nlta Hensley, Margaret Hutlman. June Murray, Btella Ramsey, Mary Helen Rhymer and Irene "boot" training and was at in-t the time of the attack on Pearl1 'ly- He is Eta-Harbor, itioned at Camp His brother. Tech. Sgt.

Lloyd 1 lng. Smith, is stationed at Camp Croft, i w'th the 105th 6. C. engineers. ttozers.

Seventh grade Charles Campbell, Steal a march on the new year make yourself the perfect dress to wear now under your winter coat, later as your spring standby. Make it of Whippet cloth, the wonder material I It's 44" wide and is Tebilized to make it crease resistant. In navy and black and in heart stirring pastels! James Corn. Edith Freeman, Bar bara Hensley. Dnrts Huntalnger.

Per ry Kuykendall, Billy Monday, Thom He leit ville In 1940 when the National Guard company Corporal Drake At Seymour, Ind. as Penland, Louise Robinson and Betty Anne Williams. Eighth grade Helen Carver, Lot, tie Lee Calloway, Ruth Greene, Ern est Huffman, Melvin Oliver, Bar here was mobil- Cpl. Fred B. Drake, son of Mr.

and was at nd Mn. Nathan Drake of Ashe-1 Fort Jackson. S. ville R. F.

D. No. 4. Is now sta- for some time tioned at the Army air forces ad-! before being sent bara Spivey, Christine Stephenson ana Marjorle Sumner, Tenth grade Coyle Davis. Doris Hendrlx.

Dorij Matthews. Frances Mrlntyre. Viola Meadowa. William vanced flying training school at 10 rioriaa. Seymour, Ind.

Pvis. Liuian Shlpman and Harold Soda lereived his education In the Ahe Taiocrl. Jr. Eleventh grade Cogburn Private Kecd vine schools, being graduated from Lee Edwards high school in 1940. Betty and Larry Jones.

Twelfth grade Leatrlce Ard, At New Field Pauline Black. Margaret Emblrr. a Mrs. Croxton Has 2 Sons In Army Pvt. Carlos A.

Reed, son of Mrs. Mary Louise Piper, Mildred Rice and I Virginia Williams. an Florence O. Hall of Asheville R. F.

D. No. 2. Is now stationed at the Army air forces advanced flying training school at Seymour, Ind. Two sons of Mrs.

M. C. Croxton Army To Hate 'Goering Division' oi us maxwell street are in the armed forces, one overseas. Pfc. James Croxton, ordnance, L- BERLIN.

(From German Broad- statloned In Egypt. He took hist Carlcton Mears Is Now Captain Command (Blue Ihnij cHonor CjoJ Coast Canard Gran (lllaizef Careen 111a ta Rose (Black basic training at Camp Lee. castsi. Dec. 28.

(Establishment ana iurtner training at the Atlanta oi a new "Hermann ooerlng oi atj Mears. 37. son of moXT base. i vision" to be employed by the high Carleton x-vi-. Aiwen croxton, oranance.

iur uprcuu missiuns was Frank A. Mears of Asheville, has Camp Swff has returned tn announced today. just been promoted from first lieu tenant to cantain at the eloifir. hli post af'er spending his Christ- Although a unit of the German air force, the new division will In tion center at the Nashville (Tenn. 1 lunousn wun his mother.

elude infantry, armored cars, engl Store Hours: 10 A. M. 6 P. M. rmy air center.

Blast In Fnundril Inecrs and artillery. It is being re Prior to entering the armv air i'n ww cruited exclusively from volunteers. hills One: Hurts 471 Nothing was revealed as to the forces last May, Capt. Mears was manager of the Denison Manufacturing company In Asheville. He at the character of the "special missions" CHICAGO, Dec.

28. tVPl which the force Is to be em-workman tt- Injured fatally 47 others were hurt today in an ex- plosion and fire at the Electocast MISS HEELER HONORED Kill the ItCh (Scabies) mUlSiticide Steel Foundry company in subur-l Miss Forrestlne Keeler of 8 ban Cicero. Grove street was awarded a sradu- Eighteen of the men were taken ate student asslstantship in the to ie iMreuo nospital. where one, English at Boston unl- This liquid preparation kills in 30 minutes those itch mitea with which It cornea In contact Bur SITTCIDB "icz. later.

versity, Boston, according to Federal agents began an lnves- a. jLk 1 1 irom your oYusaiat. or send 60c to (Adv Ideation. Damage was estimated at Dy President Daniel L. Marsh of At tti a a a onnarcne ENVOY REPORTED FREE Mls" mong the 69 LONDON.

Dec. 23 (PV Round-' students msde fellows and about dispatches from Turkev 8sf tanU 28 departments of the university. Watch For Our After-Christmas Sale Announcement PEOPLE'S STORE 74 Patton Ave. which quoted an independent French news agency said today that Rene Masslgli. former French Quality Is Important Quality Is Important Gaxclin to Germany as a prisoner ambassador to Turkey who Was last month, has mcaned and was taken with Gen.

Maurice Gustave'now living In Switzerland..

Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.