50vmp's game Reviews on Newgrounds (2024)

66 Game Reviews

8 w/ Responses


Dark Cut



I get ALL the way to 5000 ft. (on XGen) and I get DIAMONDS for the VERY FIRST TIME, and low and behold, something blows up and my ship is wrecked and I have to start ALL over from the beginning. It's a great game and all but SERIOUSLY has major issues, and I know that the hidden gas is "undetectable" but there should be something that you can buy to detect it so you don't have to start all over after reaching 5,000 FEET!!! AUGH! I definitely like stickrpg, and will like stickrpg2 more, but this is still fun. Oh, and stickarena is awesome as well. But I love this game, and would love it alot and play it daily If I could just not blow up and see all my hours of work go to waste because you guys decided that would be fun....but I suppose I should lighten up, I mean it is a game...a very awesome flash game...and this demo version doesn't do it justice...And how do you sign-up on XGen? Maybe that would help me somehow...

Insult Generator V1

I like it alot but I didn't see...

..Qweef sniffing pubic lobster! How are ya gonna go and forget about vagin* farts, and pubic lobsters! And you also missed Knuckledick! Oh well... It was pretty funny, and there were some thing's in there I never thought of! Thank you for helping me in my never ending list of names! Good Job.

Whack Your Boss


It's better than Whack your PC, not visually or anything, but it's just so much funner, and errmm...let's say rewarding! Great Job on both, but I like this more, probably because i'm some kind of sad*stic weirdo, but whatever. Greatness, I loved it, and anyone reading this right now should go play it. Right now. Do it. Im serious. Use the stapler. It's good clean fun.

the NG Calculator

w00t! $5.96!!!!1!

Sorry. I love this gadget! It's so nifty. It's very cool man. Good Job. No Problem. Im rambling. Great Gadget. Like it. I do. I talk like yoda. Sorry im rambling again. Uhmm yes, Anyone who read's this, ignore me, and play the game already danmit. Oh yes. I have no constructive thought's because this is a very good and well put together game. Thank You...for your time...and good night.

I Requiem

Nice Noir style...

It was pretty cool and everything, but the one hit wonder cheat made everything ridiculously easy. I mean come on I beat the entire thing in a matter of minutes. Without the cehat, it's pretty wicked. I liked it, I don't know about the rest of Newgrounds, but you got a 3 from me!

infect. evolve. repeat.


The most crazy addictive fun you'll ever have dragging and dropping in any flash game ever!

Sleepless Knight

Pretty Good! I actually enjoyed it.

Some nice physics, decent voiceacting, good graphics, nice little game. I liked it more than I thought I would, and I think it was pretty cool. I guess all I can say now is keep up the good work, and I can't wait for the sequel!


you completed ialready? if not shame on you the endings my proudest bit :p

Office Chimp

I want candy bubblegum and taffy! MC CHRIS RULES!

that is MC Chris right? All's I know is that is my favorite episode of ATHF, this game rules beyond all comparison, AND, where in the hell do i get a stone?? Rei (aside from lina) is my favorite, and I want to get her a stone, but...I don't know where to get that!
I know she likes pocketwatches but still...lina likes co*ke...gendo and misato like beer, spike likes cigarettes, I did find like 10 or 11 secrets, and i even robbed the boss but like....I can't find the stone! I beat Vash the stampede at tic-tac-toe....WAIT! Durr im so stupid, maybe if I beat misato at cards....but that's really hard....would having high luck help with that? Of course it would..im sorry im rambling but yeah.

Great Game.
Great Characters.
Awesome replayability!
and uhmm...Awesome everything else about it!
(I love all the secrets!!)


50vmp's game Reviews on Newgrounds (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

Last Updated:

Views: 5668

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.